
Friday, April 01, 2022

Commentary: Why the Senate Should Reject the Tokenism That Is Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson

Tokenism is the inclusion of a person in a group for the purpose of avoiding criticism that people of a particular kind have been excluded. It wasn’t long ago that tokenism was looked down on by most people. Apparently, having a token Black woman for the U.S, Supreme Court is an exception.


  1. If this nominee, I'm not a biologist so I won't begin to characterize gender, had any self-respect, this nominee would refuse the appointment to the highest court in the land, solely on the grounds that this nomination was based on race and race alone without respect to qualification. If approved, this will be a literal "Darkie Stain" on this country's history.

  2. The decision to affirm her appointment shouldn't be about tokenism. It should be about the brains and discipline to do the job, which she DOESN'T HAVE in spades, no racist insult intended.

    This C word thought she was being oh so smart. What she has actually done is besmirched, not only her own reputation, but if confirmed, also the reputation of the entire SJC. That one seemingly simple, oh so smart three word non-answer, has turned her into a derogatory meme that will live with her and her opinions and the opinions of the SJC by association for the rest of her life.

    Not to mention how fooked the rulings coming out of the court will be in years hence.

    Such is the brilliance of matriculating at HHaahhvvaadd in these days of dieversity.


    1. All that means nothing; the only reason she was nominated was that if she's confirmed, she will be a rock-solid liberal socialist vote in any decision.

  3. The sad part is that if somehow she gets sent packing, the next nominee will be just as bad, maybe worse.
    Besides, the braying jackass didn't resign or retire so there is no vacancy.


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