
Monday, April 04, 2022

Daily Wire Announces ‘DW Kids,’ Alternative to ‘Woke’ Companies Like Disney

The Daily Wire Wednesday announced its intention to become a competitor to Disney by making a significant investment in animated children’s entertainment. 

 A press release said the following:


  1. Good luck with that. The entertainment industry is funded as propaganda. On top of that, a weaponized cancel culture will actively block distribution of otherwise self-sustaining content.

    Until the propagandists themselves are exposed to the light and revealed to be the enemy that they are, nothing substantive will change.

    Homeschooling stay-at-home mom who spends time with her kids is really the best alternative to Disney. That subscription is well worth it, but you have to find a content provider worth a damn lol. Unfortunately, most of those have been ruined by the previous generation of Disney (et al) content.

    1. RE: The entertainment industry is funded as propaganda.

      This is an excellent point. Disney's business interests provide the funds for their woke attacks against children. The response has to be a broad range of counter attacks against, not just their woke activity, but against their business interests as well.

      DeSantis is looking at revoking Disney's self-governing exemptions from Florida law. This is a good first step. All of their business holdings need to be pressed and pressed hard. See

  2. Good for them. I hope they can produce what they're hoping to and word gets out.

  3. Anyone that let's their kids watch anything from disney these days has their head up their ass

  4. The Daily Wire is into all kinds of stuff. Good for them. They all seem pretty cool to me. The one guy started a razor company because Harry's pissed him off. We need more like them.


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