
Tuesday, May 17, 2022

A drop in the bucket

Nestle SA, the owner of Gerber baby food, said it’s airfreighting infant formula to the US, where a shortage has left shelves empty and parents scrambling. 

The world’s largest food company has rushed air shipments of Gerber Good Start Extensive HA from the Netherlands and Alfamino from Switzerland, prioritizing these because they’re needed for babies with allergies to cow milk protein, a spokesperson said in an emailed statement. The products are already cleared for sale in the US.


  1. They'll fly in tons of formula and the criminals in power will intercept it and divert it to anywhere but where it belongs. They aren't going to allow their plans to be short circuited that simply.

  2. What, do we have a titty shortage too?

    1. stoopid fucking troll...go away.

    2. re -- humans with breasts for feeding infants
      I realize I always go for the simple solution...

  3. There are recipes for formula. FaceBook and other will flag you for them.

  4. Good for Nestle. Don't have kids but I appreciate it when people come to our aid.
    Of course the 600 lb. Gorilla that the "news" media is scrupulously avoiding is this entire episode is caused by the FDA. They shut Abbot down after several children came down with some bug. Abbot was cleared mind you but the FDA morons kept them shut down anyway to "protect" us. Government here to save us again.

  5. So, Nestle is all in the clear now from that scandal in the 70's?

    1. Judging by Nestle's history, they were in on the plan from the beginning.

  6. Curious, I examined the label of commercial gunk some parents force on their most treasured possession -- our next generation:
    * soy... I am horridly allergic to any form of soy, such as toe-foo.
    An aside -- the vast majority of soy is GMO, engineered to be compatible with Round-Up.
    * corn syrup... I am horridly allergic to most corn, probably a result of GMO and drenched in petroleum-based pesticides and fertilizers and Round-Up.
    In other words, cheap junk-food with zero nutrition.
    An aside:
    This morning, I read many 'backward' countries banned Round-Up because farm run-off carrying the stuff destroys fisheries.
    I think a fake crisis involving baby food is a First World fake-problem.
    I think those 'backward' countries are taking bets:
    "How much stupider can Americans get!"
    Curious, I searched for recipes for infant 'formula'.
    Every recipe has the banner headline:
    * !!! Do Not Attempt This At Home !!!
    Each recipe proclaims the tragic results of using anything other than factory 'formula'.

  7. IIRC, Nestle is the Big Food Corp who started pushing formula for new babies and moms way back. Free samples for mom before she even leaves the hospital. As if formula is anything but second place..

  8. I gotta agree with Steve.
    Female breasts are the perfect receptacle for infant formular.
    They keep it warm.
    They're readily available.
    Infants (and most men) are naturally attracted to them.
    They are high enough that the cats can't get to them.


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