
Monday, May 16, 2022

Boy, you sure showed 'em, didn't you?

NEW YORK - Oscar-nominated actor and activist James Cromwell superglued his hand to a midtown Manhattan Starbucks counter on Tuesday to protest the coffee giant’s extra charge for plant-based milk.

The 82-year-old, known for his roles in "Babe," "L.A. Confidential," "The Green Mile," and TV roles like "Six Feet Under" and "Sucession," participated in a protest organized by the animal rights group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA). The event was livestreamed on Facebook. 


  1. That is funny. With everything going on and this is where you make your stand? Not called libtards for nuthin,

  2. So maybe I should weld my ass to a butcher shop because it's violation of my natural rights as an omnivore that I get charged so much more for my pork chops, prime rib and turkey legs than vegans do for their TVP.

    Look at MEEEEEE!

    Jesus James, you can't figure out an actual legitimate way to be relevant? This was your idea? What a dope.

  3. Gorilla glue your hand to something? Leave them glued, forever. FAFO.

  4. This guy must not believe in wet farts or emergencies. Where will you be when diarrhea strikes?

    - Arc

  5. First world problems. Also, they should have immediately closed the store and chased out all the people covering the event and only checked in every few days to see if he was ready to apologize and pay for lost sales and wages.

  6. They shouldn't have called the police until after they closed, thereby giving him a charge of trespass.
    I would have just moved the counter items out of his reach, pulled a bat out from under the counter, and started whistling 'take me out to the ball park'.

    1. I believe the song is “Take Me Out To the Ball Game”. We can’t have disinformation on knuckledraggin. Heh

  7. Whenever I see some idiot/s do something like this, glue or handcuff or chain themselves to something, my thought is, fuck'em. Put up a portable screen around them so nobody can see them, then leave them alone until they either unlock themselves or until they start crying and screaming to be set loose. Then wait another 12 hours, til they're really ready to get out.

  8. I hope the management just smiled and ignored him. When closing came, shut the lights out and leave him standing in his own pile of crap. Let him tear his own skin off.

  9. Definitely would have left him there for 2 weeks. Just as a conversation piece.


  11. The weird part is that non-dairy 'milks' cost more than bovine milk. So why shouldn't they charge more for it? And if the dumb-shits want it 'organic' then it is even more costly to purchase. You can't stay in business it you can't cover expenses...

    1. It's more expensive because the nipples are MUCH harder to find, for a start. [rocketride]

  12. Cromwell is one of those people, should I cross paths in the airport, that I'd sucker-punch without hesitation. Yeah, I'd do the jail time - it would be worth it. Such a smug, egotistical, radical-leftist asshole. Fuck him and everybody that even looks like him.

    1. almost all actresses/actors are smug idiots. What is funny is that all they do is speak lines like a parrot and move as the puppet master/director says. A mannequin could do that.

  13. Plant-based milk???? Where do you think a cow gets its ingredients from?

  14. An opportunity missed , Leave numb nuts glued to the counter. Evacuate everyone from building. Remove most portable property .Light building on fire and see hoe good the glue really is .

  15. Just leave him there and go on with your day. "Oh, don't mind grandpa. He glues himself to stuff sometimes. We make sure he can't reach anything sharp and he's usually fine. They're supposed to be paneling him but it takes so long to get placed in a care home these days. He has episodes all the time, some days he thinks he's a famous actor. The doctor says not to play into his delusions."


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