
Friday, May 13, 2022

Franklin D Miller MACV SOG Combat Story

VIDEO HERE (10:48 minutes)

Here's a video talking about the mission where Franklin (Doug) Miller earned the Medal of Honor. The photos in the video don't match up with the narration, but it's a great story anyway.

The book mentioned in the video was probably one of the first I read about SOG, and it's also one of the better ones I've read since. It's basically a collection of war stories in chronological order (somewhat) and some of them will have you laughing your ass off while others will have you going "OH SHIT!!!"
The story of of his MoH mission is nothing short of of amazing and in the book he goes into much more detail than the video. That story alone is worth reading the book. I mean, there's damned few stories that will bring me to the verge of tears, but this was one of them.

The great part is CSM Miller knows how to spin a tale and he does it in everyday language just as if he was telling you this story in a bar, for instance, he doesn't call a firefight a firefight, to him it's an 'asskick'. The really cool part is while he's telling some great stories about himself, he does it in a way that he isn't bragging, he's just telling a tale as if he's talking about something somebody else did.

The book is out of print, but it is available on Amazon Kindle if you want to read some great stories about an incredibly brave man. If you don't have a Kindle, you can download the Kindle Reader on your computer to read it. If you don't want to give Amazon your business but you do have a used bookstore in your town, you might find it there.

Reflections of a Warrior by Elwood J. C. Kureth and Frank Miller


  1. Just got the Kindle version, hope I have time this weekend to get it read. The draw for me was the 'take' that this reads like a story being told across a table. I get that. It's what my brother wanted his book to read like when he wrote Inside Delta Force. I got to read the draft as he was putting it together. Then that asshole put my name in the credits in the back of the thing.

  2. He saw some shit fer sure. Seen a little bit myself.

  3. It was interesting that Kureth and Miller became close friends, and remained friends till death. Been a long time since read it, but I think they died within a month or so of each other.


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