
Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Guess the race, anyone?

Two teenage girls were beaten up and shocked with a stun gun in a caught-on-camera brawl outside of a Queens McDonald’s on Monday, police said. 

The fracas broke out in the parking lot of a Jamaica burger chain at 88-14 Springfield Boulevard after some sort of social media spat between the victims and their attackers, according to the NYPD.

Surveillance footage released by cops shows a group of teenage girls pouncing on the 14 and 15-year-old victims, knocking the pair to the ground in the process.


  1. They. Are. Animals.

  2. Since it's only a couple hours bus ride from Lancaster, PA to Queens, NY I'll go with racist Amish girls. Tucker C. ordered the video to be doctored to cast a dark light on some innocent young girls of color.

    1. Are you sure it wasn't the Norwegians? Some of the Norwegian resistance fighters were known for such tactics against the occupying Germans during WWII.

  3. Racisms, Black Supremacy, Hate Crime against whites we gonna have to slap their wrist and let them go. That's all there is to it. No real threat here. Go forth and kill some more, liberals got yer back.

  4. And Martin Luther King once said, "I have a dream".

  5. I don't like the son of a bitch but Jesse Jackson many years ago said, "We are behind" He also said it saddened him when he would walk down the street at night, hear footsteps behind him, turn and look and feel relief when he saw it was a white man. I saw him say that on TV probably back in the seventies. That was near fifty years ago and if anything I think the blacks have taken even a bigger step backwards. Maybe they are evolving back to the trees. They aint go far to go. Another fifty?

  6. Polish and Italian kids running a muck!

  7. Fucking urbanites.....

  8. The hurtful truth is not racism.

  9. Banana chomping vine swingers once again demonstrating their humanity.

  10. Is it necessary to 'guess'? Can we just not assume?


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