
Monday, May 16, 2022


Shortly over three hours after police were alerted to a mass shooting in Buffalo, New York, on Saturday, Democratic politicians took to Twitter to call for gun control legislation.

“Two mass shootings in 24 hours, in Milwaukee and Buffalo — the latter killing ten people. I’m heartbroken. And I’m angry. Angry that the GOP continues to block even the most basic gun safety measures. We can stop this. We can save lives. Republicans just refuse to. Cowards.” said Democratic Representative Adam Schiff of California in a Twitter post. 


  1. Day before, a guy was assassinated at a Phila gas station. Two guys, one with sem-iauto rifle.

    1. For anyone interested, that map of Philly - the highest density areas are all areas of vibrancy. Of course, you could say that about most of the city at this point.

  2. WestcoastDeplorableMay 16, 2022 at 2:35 PM

    Perhaps Schiff needs some 2nd Amendment remedial reading, as in "shall not be infringed".

  3. I caught a headline earlier, "Buffalo Killer 'enhanced' the deadly killing power of his 'assault weapon'.

    Really? Did he convert it to full-auto? Did he attach a chainsaw bayonet?
    No. He taped two legal magazines together.

    So in Buffalo, NY. Were there any legal gun owners in the market? Or did the market have one of those helpful "Gun Free Zone" policies?

    I'm sure Biden will straighten it all out.

    1. Taped magazines together? Does this mean I now need a background check when buying a roll of duct tape?

    2. He drove 3.5 hrs to get to that zone...

      For a reason.

      Read his Mf & you'll see it was written mostly by the 3 letter agency that wants to confiscate everything, on the list!

      So convenient 🙄


    3. "Does this mean I now need a background check when buying a roll of duct tape?"

      In California yes, it does. That roll of duct tape would be considered to be a 'precursor part', which means it would need to be purchased from a federal firearms licensee. Failure to comply wound be a felony conviction and means you would then become a prohibited person.

  4. According to reports I've there's something like 10K+ gun laws on the books at local, state and federal levels. We all know that criminals don't obey laws. That's the definition of the word and NOT ONE of those laws has ever PREVENTED a gun crime. Yet, every time there's one of these incidents, the pol's, Demonrats and RINO's, jump on the "we need more gun laws" soapbox. You can almost time it to the second when they'll start spouting their boolshit.

    Can't wait for Buydem to announce that he's signed a treaty with the W.H.O. declaring gun violence a public health emergency, Unconstitutional that such a thing is.


  5. Just like Shit-for-brains to dance on the warm bodies.

  6. 10 dead? That's only 2/3 of the weekly toll in Chicago. What does Adam think about that?

    1. The typical Sunday morning is to look up the counts in the Tribune starting from Friday. It's a Chicago thing!!!

    2. Don’t forget the ever popular website that keeps a running count daily, weekly, weekend, monthly and year to date of Chicongo.
      Better than the tribune.

  7. Why is that POS still talking.

  8. After each shooting there is a long line of democrats at the emergency room, all getting hurt dancing for joy.

  9. I honestly wish Schitt would fucking stroke out or have his head explode or get hit by a fucking truck or... you get the idea.

  10. Look at Schiff's face. Have you ever seen a more smug, self righteous motherfucker, ever? Talk about someone who needs to get punched in the forehead... Voting isn't going to work, we need to.... oh, nevermind.
    Original Grandpa

    1. "A more smug, self righteous motherfucker..."

      Fang Fang's old boyfriend Eric Swalwell comes to mind.
      That would be the same Eric Swalwell who is still on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.
      Democrats. I swear.


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