
Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Killed by a fart

HENDERSONVILLE, N.C. — A North Carolina woman's death in October was a "tragic and heart-wrenching" accident that happened during an "ill-fated" prank, according to the district attorney.


Identify your target. Always identify your target.


  1. Jesus. What the fuck... firing blindly at a "dark figure" because you're worried about a damn panther/mountain lion? You wouldn't see the damn thing, most likely, and it certainly wouldn't growl before attacking you. Fucking morons. Enjoy living the rest of your life/lives knowing you put down your girlfriend/your dear female friend like a dog. Worse, even.

    Never, ever shoot blindly at something unless it's literally charging at you, and even then, use your fucking words! Yell, God damn it! Fuck. What a senseless fucking tragedy.

    1. For some reason, people here in the eastern US are terrified of bears and lions, animals that are rare as hell here compared to California. I've yet to talk to anybody that's actually seen a bear or lion, yet they're all convinced that if they do see one, it's going to attack them without hesitation.

    2. I have backpacked many miles on the Appalachian Trail and encountered a bunch of black bears, especially in Shenandoah National Park. As long as they hear you coming the first sign you normally get of them is the noise of the bear quickly unassing the area. They don't want much to do with you unless dumbass humans have fed them. Always hang you bear bag away from camp with anything that smells like food and you are fine. Still carry for the two legged predators. More people killed by people out there than bears.

    3. The few times I saw bears in the CA mountains; one was a young one rummaging in a in a dumpster, popping his head out every once in a while to check his perimeter. Another one was standing on a picnic table eating margarine from a tub, and one was running like hell from something that I didn't wait around to see what it was.
      Presumably another bear?


    4. I agree. When I was a kid living in Martins Ferry, Ohio, there were always rumors of black panthers on the loose and prowling in the woods behind our homes.

  2. Apparently none of these fools ever heard of a flashlight.

  3. The last black panthers I saw were carrying billy clubs and suppressing the white people vote in pennsylvania. DOJ refused to prosecute after obama got elected.

  4. Not silent but still deadly.


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