
Friday, May 13, 2022

Peaceful, Legal Ways States, Churches, And Pro-Lifers Can Stop Abortion Radicals’ Violence

Pro-abortion groups this past week have called for increased lawlessness to express their opposition to the expected reversal of the Supreme Court’s decision in Roe v. Wade. Apparently having failed to persuade either the court of the soundness of their legal position or Congress of the necessity of codifying Roe in a federal statute, these groups are committing, or threatening to commit, hate crimes targeting churches and worshippers.

The real or intended victims of these outrages are not defenseless. The legal system affords them robust protections against violations of their right to free exercise of religion. These include both federal and state criminal and civil remedies and private civil actions under federal and state law.  


  1. Grandpa Puddingcup’s Administration won’t get excited until mosques are under the gun.

  2. No offense to WiscoDave but putting any faith in the "justice system" is an effort in futility. BLM burned cities and not effort was made to prosecute the leadership. The J6 people are illegally held without bail and without trial for well over a year now. There was a full court press to railroad Kyle Wittenhouse and yet the black nationalist who plowed his car through a bunch of people celebrating Christmas was quickly swept under the rug. Hillary, Strozk, and McCabe to name just a couple of criminals, along with Clapper and Brennan, all of whom have admitted committing felonies, while Assange continues to be tortured and Derek Chauvin rots in jail.

    We should not delude ourselves that self defense against these coming attacks will find any understanding our tolerance by the corrupt "justice" department. We need to defend ourselves with the knowledge that doing so will be a long haul.

    1. Wisco didn't write the article nor did he say anything about agreeing with it. He forwards me articles that he finds interesting or controversial and thinks I will too.
      Knowing him as well as I do, I can guarantee that he agrees with your point of view as much as I do.

    2. We are way past the time of peaceful solutions.

    3. Looking at the vid in the link it seems that giant blob of negress has no problem with white medical persons killing infant negro's, right?

  3. It reads like an instruction manual titled: "How to be a martyr and learn to like it".

  4. When the enemy used non-peaceful and illegal means to further their agenda, then we must respond with a vulgar display of power, otherwise...we will end up an erased footnote in history.

    1. "I think this situation requires a really futile and stupid gesture be done on somebody's part. We're just the guys ta do it." Otter and Bluto, "Animal House" joe tentpeg

  5. Screw the peaceful and legal means to stop the violence against us. Turning the other cheek hasn't worked at all. Blow the heads off a few of the bastards and the others will think twice next time they're inclined to try and intimidate people.

  6. Really?And nobody is going to mention there’s more than one crack showing in that clip?


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