
Monday, January 30, 2023

Biden Makes First Move Toward a Radical National Rent Control Law

Responding to a letter sent earlier this month by congressional radicals like Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez urging the president to take executive action to prevent evictions and lower rent prices, Joe Biden has initiated a series of actions that will eventually lead to a national rent control law.


  1. Need to make renting so expensive that citizens will end up on the streets, making room for Joe's illegals.

  2. Sounds like a move to make all rental apartment HUD subsidized housing and all the rules and regulations that go with that. Own weapons? Get rid of them. Have different views? You are evicted. Use your allotment of CO2? You lose heat or electricity for three days.

    1. Part of the, you'll own nothing, "and be happy" plan

  3. Soon, it’ll be like the scene in Doctor Zhivago when he comes back after the war to his residence in Moscow.

  4. makes perfect sense---use the guv't to create the chaos, then use the guv't to 'solve' the problem

    1. The Hegelian dialetic in action.
      Three parts; thesis, antithesis, synthesis.

      This is tyrannical government.

  5. Because it's working so well in NYC.

  6. Illegals need affordable everything.
    Landowners, not so much.

    1. From each according to their abilty, to each according to their need.

      Thieves justify their crime by you can afford it, you have more than them.

      Tyrants justify use of force in the same manner.

  7. This will set up confrontations. The feds clearly have no authority regulate rent.

    1. They have no authority for 90% of what they do.
      Steve S6

    2. The Feds have no constitutional authority to regulate alcohol, tobacco, guns or explosives yet there's a whole Bureau created just to do that. Same with education, energy, the environment, communications, land management, oceans and atmospheres, aeronautics and space and on and on.

      There isn't anything that the Fed bureaucratic state won't attempt to control. Nothing is safe from those jack-wagons. Nothing.

      The Interwebs? Very much under fed control. All the porn out there could be shut down in an instant if the Feds wanted to. Just look at what they did to Z Library and other non-porn file sharing sites.

      The Feds can crack down on people talking bad about traffic lights, but won't crack down on pedophiles and sex trafficers.

  8. I won't mention which Canadian Province, however, there are certain rent and lease controls which limit how often the rent or lease may be increased and by how much.........
    but they have no laws regarding occupancy fees.
    It snowed a little extra this year? Increase of whatever you wish.
    They painted the garbage cans? Another increase.
    Paint the curb stops..... guess what?
    Bloody criminal. And they can do it every three months.

  9. Waiting for the surprised look on their faces when they evict everyone to do something more profitable with the property.

    1. Already happened: Kelo v. City of New London


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