
Monday, January 30, 2023

Can you help a reader out with this issue?

I don't own a smartphone so I couldn't even begin to help him out. If you can, would you post it in a comment? Serious answers only, please.

Maybe you can ask some of the other readers of your blog if they're having the same problems I'm having. I'm no longer on FaceBook so I can't ask that way and I don't have my own blog. 
Over the past month or so, I cannot send memes from memes I save on my computer. What I mean is, I see something either hilarious or covid or Anti-Biden related, i save it to a folder on my computer, then send it to my phone and then send it to my friends. Lately however, when ever I send a meme from my computer to my cell phone, it just never arrives or I get a msg on my email that it's undeliverable. I have a Verizon email account that uses AOL to send email. I also have a Yahoo email account and a Gmail account. None of these are now forwarding memes to my phone (ATT acct.) 
Just curious as to whether anyone else is having similar problems. 


  1. It may have to do with the switch to 5g. If this is the issue you will need a new phone capable of handling 5g.

    1. Nope, 3 month old Samsung 5g phone. Thanks, though

  2. Try some lefty memes. I imagine they'll go through.

    1. BINGO - sabotage bro..The fuckers are out there and they have NO sense of humor.

  3. What file format? Has he been sending these things as a cut & paste picture in the body of his text message? Has he tried saving it as a separate file and sending it as an attachment instead, to an email? Next, try saving it into different formats and sending as an attachment, and don't forget to try a PDF - But it would really be best to have someone figure out what is going on, rather than try to find workarounds to an unknown problem. Finally, check your anti-virus software - some of the newer versions are made to run completely in the background with all sort of invisible features that kick in without your permission. The Anti-virus people have decided that everyone is a moron that has to be protected from themselves, or from thinking.

    1. Almost all are either png or jpg. Never had a problem before. This has only started in the past month. Friend told me that the head guy at ATT is way Liberal. Probably pulling the FaceBook or Google shit. I got booted from FB 2 years ago for posting Anti-vax stuff.

  4. Starker here, can't you just connect your phone to the computer with a USB cable? Then allow file transfers from the notification screen. Then on your computer, browse the phone for Download, or Pictures folder. Drag the memes from your computer to the folder on the phone. Hope this helps.

  5. If you have web-based email (gmail, yahoo, etc) on your phone, just go into your sent folder and it will be there, same as your desktop.

    I also use Microsoft's One Drive to keep files between my phone and my desktop synched up.

    1. I don't use my phone for email but I might just try that. Thanks

  6. I just take a picture of the MEME and send it as a photo in a text!

  7. Some of the recipients of my forwarded memes tell me that they cannot open them.

  8. Needs more detail. The email issue is odd. But what would be simplest would be to connect the phone to his computer via USB. He should get a notification on his phone and needs to permit the computer to connect to the phone, rather than simply just charging on the USB jack. Assuming it is an Android phone, he can then "open" the phone folders, go to Documents, and transfer the meme JPG directly to his phone documents. He could then easily email it from his phone.

  9. Many variables and I may be able to resolve but not sure where the catch is. I’d ask how you are saving the memes and also why you don’t just access them from your phone. You may have said you don’t have a smartphone

    Anyway I am following

  10. One possibility is the size of the meme file. If you are using a free email account, many of them have been cutting back on the size they allow to be sent (due to the number of memes that are being sent every day, they are taking a hit on bandwidth fees). Or the memory on your phone may not have enough free space for the file to be stored.

    1. Usually when the file is too large I get a notice about that. Have a ton of available space on the phone. Thanks, though

  11. Some size issues might be a problem. They either are too big for the computer to send or too big for the phone to receive

  12. Perhaps the file has exceeded the limit size? I've had that happen many times. If that's the case download an app that will resize the pic.

  13. There's a lot to unpack there...but without knowing all the details, I'll take a stab at it:
    1. Stop using AOL. AOL stopped being relevant in the 90s.
    2. How do you "send stuff to my cell phone"? Email? There are much better ways. Try Signal. It's a secure, encrypted messaging app. It has a cell phone app, and you can link it to your desktop. It has a "Not to Self" section and you can send yourself audio, video, and voice messages.
    3. AT&T is pretty terrible. I can't tell if the reference to AT&T is an email account or cell service...because you also mention a Verizon email account...but Verizon isn't an e-mail company, they're a cell phone company and an internet company (that also provides email to cell customers) Lots of potential man-in-the-middle systems that can fail. Use Signal, but consider switching to a better and cheaper cell phone company like Ting (they're an MVNO that runs across the Verizon network as well as a few other cell companies)

    1. No choice about AOL, it's part of my Verizon account. I'm assuming it's got something to do with ATT.

  14. We have Xfinity and have encountered no problems sending memes … which is surprising as I send a lot of the shit Wirecutter posts. 😆

    That said, Blogger seems to hate my ip addy because 0% of my replies fail with Blogger saying something like, cannot post at this time, try later.

  15. I send pics from my laptop to my wifes and others phones using, or

  16. If he has a smartphone, he can install the Gmail app and if he sends the meme to himself, it'll be in his email. Just did that and it worked fine. I'm not sure how he's trying to send the memes to his phone, he may be trying to use the Vtext service which is iffy at best.

    1. Gmail sucks and tracks you on everything!

    2. Yeah...about that.
      1. There are billions of messages delivered through Google's mail platform every damn day. No human is going to be watching your mailbox unless you gave them a reason to. AI can help narrow stuff down, but who gives a crap about memes? You think they're going to send you to the camps because of a meme? If your answer is "no", then who cares? If your answer is "yes", then why aren't you doing something about it yet?

      2. You say this as if *every* damn provider out there can't simply read your messages. It's not like email is encrypted. You're literally typing text into a browser window (or email client) and hitting "send". Sure, the *transport* might be encrypted, but the server just stores it as a text file (or in Microsoft's case, a binary blob that's ridiculously, stupidly complex, and difficult to recover should corruption occur--but still can be read with tools), so it's pretty damn easy to search for strings like "LOLFUNNYMEME!!!11o1ne!". Run your own mail server if you want some minimal protections against this, just keep in mind that email is cooperative. Once it leaves your server, it's searchable and probably in plain-text on someone else's server.

  17. Contact Verizon. They can fix this for you. Just had a coworker dealing with the same issue.

  18. Email then to you phone , your tel

    Works for me

  19. Your phone may be old enough that they have stopped servicing that app.

  20. You are not recognized on the Mobile network or Verizon. Should be in Settings. Lost my access to email and didn't know until I tried to use Google maps to find an address. Kept telling me I was in Cyprus...

  21. Don't save the image to your desktop. right-click the image and choose 'open in new tab' until the new tab contains just a .jpg, .png, .jpeg, etc. image, and not some wrapper. then copy that URL and send that to your phone as a text message. you can then open just that image on your phone at which point you can save it from there.

    I do this already*

    * - when I'm not uploading the images from my pc to a self-hosted website that i can browse to on my phone..

  22. Use the web browser on a phone to go to the site that has the meme(s). The site can be bookmarked on the phone's browser for frequent-use sites. Either save the pic to the phone or copy/paste to the app (email, text msg) that is doing the sending. I do the copy/paste to text thing all the time with no problems. I've never had an issue with saving and sending via email as the pics generally don't exceed max email size.

    Also, get a Proton email account and the Proton email app for the phone. It's free however you can, for a minimal fee, have multiple email addresses on the same account. I do this and have one email address for "business", one for those I really want to email with, and one for spam". Proton mail can also be accessed with the computer. Point is, it's one-stop emailing.

  23. these days a lot of images save as a ".webp" and you have to convert them. there are plenty of online converters.

  24. apple or android?
    I've stood right next to a co-worker as he tried to send and resend a link (or a pic or a meme, i forget which) through his iphone to my android...never made it through....just the one in particular (non PC as fuck, it was), others came through fine

    you are 100% being censored, imho, wass, bfyty, etc

  25. I have this problem, and what was once intermittent, is now a norm.

    NWVH response re: bandwidth throttling seems to be a good answer, so creating a temp smoogle e-mail account to test, just now sent a pic to my phone without issue. Therefore, my old e-mail account is being targeted. Your mileage may vary.

  26. Diagnosis is really hard without the phone in hand. There are too many possible points of failure to check. Going to Verizon is the best idea. If that's not practical, the next best is find a teenager who knows about phone stuff. Check with a grandson, kids of friends at church, or kids of neighbors.


  27. Nobody's mentioned it that I can see.
    It's simple and kinda stupid, but most of the time works to unfuq my One+.

    Have you tried rebooting it?

  28. One morning, Outlook, as I was copying and pasting pics of cute puppies for my girlfriend, asked me to "share what I was copying with Outlook". Of course I declined to do that and now I can only paste one item. I opened another email to paste another and it would not let me. So I opened an account with Fastmail and pasted a lot of memes and emailed it to my Outlook (I've had Hotmail since the 1990's). But I can then email those out, but don't tell Outlook or Microsoft that!
    BTW, I did email my Congressman about this censorship, Byron Donalds. I hope it gets some traction because this is really getting out of hand censoring all because the ass-wipe in the WH get his feelings hurt...

  29. Stop sending emails to yourself to transfer pics or even anything. It could be throttling, since you appear to be sending it to the phone's email. Get a file sharing app. Apple has iClould, MS has onedrive, you can use dropbox. It'll be on that folder as an icon on your phone and it'll download it when you want to send it. Pro tip, keep your shit on dropbox. That way if you need to access it from your phone, you can.

  30. It's the phone co. or your ISP censoring you. Someone has to take up the slack caused by Musk stopping the collaboration between the Eff Bee Eye and other .gov agencies on Twatter censoring what should be Free Speech. Googleyeyes, and Facefook don't have the same reach as Twatter, although they are in on it too. Wordpress and Blogger go it one better by also censoring individual comments on articles on websites used by their platform.

    I know this doesn't help your problem. It's just my $0.02.


  31. As others have said, there are many variables that could be at play.

    For myself, having this issue here and there, trying to repost some of the pics from here, I came across this issue: having an odd character in the filename. I could post many pics, but a few wouldn't post for no seeming reason. Renaming them to something generic solved the problem, and I could post them seconds after the rename. The file extension wasn't touched, only the filename, so I'm guessing there's some odd special character that throws the error


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