
Monday, January 30, 2023

Gov. Whitmer calls for stricter gun laws to 'save lives' during Michigan State of the State

LANSING, Mich. (FOX 2) - During her fifth State of the State on Wednesday, Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer said the time for thoughts and prayers is over as she pushed for stricter gun laws.


  1. Yes Gretchen, disarm the good guys. I'm sure the thugs and murderous killers will abide by the laws. How galactically STUPID can you be.

    1. Rush would refer to her as a 'glittering jewel of colossal ignorance'.

  2. Responsible gun owners committing too many crimes?

  3. I refer to her as the Empress of Lansing. Democrats have control of all the government here in Michigan, so they likely will take us to ruin.

    1. I refer to her as "Die Obergretchenfuhrer.


    2. "Wretched Witless"

  4. "We're tired of your thoughts and prayers." followed by, "What are you thinking?" have become the new socialist narrative.

    Retched Witless is not the first to say these exact words in the last few days. We can expect other political mouths to be saying the same.

    The effort to curry popular culture is all they've got. To ignore them is kryptonite to them. Just continue on as Americans and ignore them.

  5. Kinda makes ya wish the FBI had gone ahead and kidnapped her.
    Steve S6

  6. After reading this morning of another mass shooting incident, this time in Fl, seems to me if something is done about urban gangs, first admitting they exists and they pose a danger, that will go a long way towards solving the problem this governor and others like her wish to address

  7. There are four new bills before the Legislature in my state all in more or less the same theme on gun control, i.e. making it difficult or impossible for law abiding citizens to exercise their Constitutional right to defend themselves. This despite the fact that a few years ago an Amendment to the State Constitution made us a Constitutional Carry State and that crime in general, never mind gun crime, is one of the lowest in the country.

    In a neighboring Communist state, there are multiple bills before their state Legislature, one of which will require all people possessing a firearms license(read FID card) to ANNUALLY demonstrate their competence in firearms handling and marksmanship WITH EACH OF THEIR FIREARMS.

    Glad I left that state 47 years ago.


  8. "ANNUALLY demonstrate their competence in firearms handling and marksmanship WITH EACH OF THEIR FIREARMS."

    sniper challenge?


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