
Friday, January 27, 2023


NEW YORK - Four migrants who were bused to New York City are facing charges in connection with a snatch-and-grab robbery of a Long Island Macy's store.


According to Newsday, Nassau County police said the four may have ties to a South American thievery ring.


They escaped in a BMW and two of them were released without bail. Isn't America wonderful?


  1. Bill Ayers summed it up after he was acquitted: "Guilty as sin, free as a bird — what a country, America."

  2. Escaped in a bmw? Could not afford one myself and I worked for everything I have.

  3. My parents moved us from Nassau County to Anchorage in 1976. When we left we had never tasted Mexican food or ever saw a TacoBell. The only Spanish speaking people we saw were Puerto Ricans. Now they have MS-13 a town over from where I grew up. Oh yeah, having an open border is a Good Idea!

  4. Too many need to assume room temperature.


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