
Friday, February 03, 2023

California’s Reparations Panel Now Calling for Prisons to be Closed and Privileges Restored

I will have to say I am truly grateful that California’s politicians voted for a Reparations Panel.

The organization is proving critics who insist there is no appeasing racial justice activists right in every move. In fact, I would suggest that its theme song be The Cure’s “Never Enough.”

Granted, the band may be too white for the group, but the reparations panel hasn’t hesitated to step up its grasping demands for more, more, and more money. First, the panel demanded over $200K for each black in California. Then, it was a cool $1 million. Next, it insisted that $5 million was fair.


  1. If you don't have weapons at your disposal, get them. It's going to get bloody....

    1. Lol, yeah , some people just can't read writing when its on a wall.

  2. This is exactly why the people on the panel were chosen. They knew that these folks were whacko and not rational, and would go too far and fuck it up beyond all possibility of being implemented and that it would quietly dies.

    1. I wants my reprations!

    2. What makes you think it's going to die "quietly"?
      My son and his family in Oakland are going to get a front-row seat for this historic event.

    3. California needs to be taken out behind the woodshed, and shot, twice, in the head.

  3. Might as well make it a billion. Its not their money, it is only tax money. Do the taxpayers get their 40 acres and mule back in return.

  4. $200k? A million? FIVE million?

    C'mon, man! These are mouth-breathing illiterates who can't possibly fathom numbers larger than their shoe size. Ask anyone on that panel how many thousands there are in a million. Go ahead, ask. I'm sure they could not tell you.

    That failed race will continue to be a net drain on civilization for as long as bleeding-heart imbeciles keep feeding them and refusing to hold them accountable for their anti-social behavior. As for asking THEM how much they feel is "fair" for generational pain and suffering they never experienced, themselves? You might as well ask your toddlers how much ice cream they would like for dinner tonight.

  5. Let it burn.
    The sooner the better.
    I'm getting older by the minute.
    Get rural, guys

  6. Accelerationism: It's what's fer dinner.


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