
Thursday, February 02, 2023

How dare they!

NEW YORK - Members of New York's LGBTQ+ community say they are outraged after the New York Rangers decided not to wear Pride-themed jerseys during the team's warmups last Friday, despite promoting that they would do so before the game.


  1. How many gay hocky fans are there ? It seems like a very rough sport for a bunch of limp wristed panzie's

  2. C'mon man...this is hockey were talking bout.
    Settle it in the ice man to...well, whatever

  3. Ever wonder why all these faggot asswipes wind up hiding in the closet throughout history? Heres your answer. They are an ignorant bunch of mental deranged animals.

  4. When do they wear straight pride attire?

  5. I long for the days of 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell'. Life was so much more enjoyable when these people weren't shoving their 'specialness' down our throats 24/7.

    1. I like when they got the shit kicked out of them for being fags when one didn't act straight enough.

      Because they were fags.

  6. If you want them to endorse your degenerate lifedtyle then buy your own team.of course players will refuse to play for that team, fans will stop comubg to games and youll go bankrupt but its their money. Otherwise shut up.


  7. Fuck these poofters!

  8. You thilly thavage!

  9. The LGBTQ butt-fucking fags are like kids. The more you give them the more they demand. The only way to stop their bullshit is to say NO to their perverted crap both verbally and physically every day.

    1. all you have to do is find people with sufficient backbone to tell them what to do with themselves - even if it is (mostly) anatomically inmposible

  10. Gays want " high-sticking " allowed in hockey.

  11. NHL homies aren't as big as NFL Linemen, generally, but they do carry a club and will beat the beejesus out of you while smiling wif no front teef.

  12. Apparently the Rangers DID examine their core values and decided homosexuality was not one of them. Cool!

  13. I'm so fucking sick of rainbow this and rainbow that. The new thing seems to be stuff in the trans colors - pink, white and baby blue. I just want to punch people celebrating mental illness.

  14. This is a surprise really. I’ve played and been a hockey fan my whole life. I dropped the Center Ice cable package after many years when they went all crazy with the empty arenas with cardboard cutout people and fake crowd noise. They were the holdouts as far as the diversity and wokeness went but no more. The NHL just got called out down in Fla. for having a hiring fair that was looking for all walks of life except white. They had to cancel it. I wouldn’t have guess it especially a team representing NYC.

  15. "decided not to wear Pride-themed jerseys during the team's warmups last Friday, despite promoting that they would do so before the game"

    They had to listen to the hysterical screeching, after doing what they were going to do? Instead of listening to it for weeks before, AND after? Somethin' ain't right with those boys.

  16. These people( I use that term loosely for mentally impaired idiots) need to have a couple hockey stick blows to the head or maybe a stick handle jammed where the sun don't shine. They'd probably like the later.

    Fuck them.


  17. It’s alright not to support homosexuality


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