
Friday, February 03, 2023

Oh, okay - at least they're being honest with us

China has claimed a suspected spy balloon flying over the United States is a 'civilian' airship which blew off course before it ended up over nuclear sites in Montana.


I hope I didn't need to add a sarcasm tag to my caption.


  1. Just goes to show that china's payments to congress and biden administration is money well spent.

  2. That we (as a country) even allowed this thing to cross into our airspace without being shot the fuck down is testament to our government's complicity in undermining our national security. Can't (won't) close the border, can't (won't) protect the air space... Won't perform one of the very few duties actually assigned to it by the Constitution, I don't know why we continue to support the federal bureaucracy.

  3. Does it have a giant yellow happy face...with "slanted eyes" on it? That's a definite give away.

    1. How i thought about it:

  4. how do you tag sarcasm????

  5. I love honesty! Thank you China, may I have another?!?

  6. Has Lindsey F*cking Graham demanded a retaliatory strike yet?
    - WDS

  7. What can they see with a balloon that they haven't been able to see with satellites? Or high altitude spy planes? The balloon seems to be more of a "Fuck you" moment than anything.

  8. Check and verify- Does the "civilian" balloon have any cameras or other recording/measuring devices? All Chinese people are property of the State, ergo all property is owned by the State.
    Thus: It's a Chinese spy ballon.

  9. That Chinese balloon is the ideal vehicle to position an EMP device or a small tactical nuclear weapon to take out all electronic and communications capability over a large several state radius, not to mention potentially take out ICBM launch capability or release a bioweapon package. Nothing like being able to conduct a dry run without consequences before hand. Our national command authority is totally incompetent and lost its mind and the AmeriKan sheep/people just keep on begging for more.

  10. China spent a lot of money on Hunter as well as the whole Biden family. Now they're getting the pay back. Let's say the CCP is using that balloon to gather military info on the Malmstrom sites and Biden is telling our military to back off. Treason, right? But what can we do about it?

  11. And the predicted flight path will take it over Ellsworth AFB and Whiteman Air Force Base , both of which are home base for strategic stealth bomber squadrons. Just a coincidence I suppose. Sure.

  12. Too bad it's too high up to hit with anything civilian.

    I suspect the comment "That Chinese balloon is the ideal vehicle to position an EMP device or a small tactical nuclear weapon to take out all electronic and communications capability over a large several state radius, not to mention potentially take out ICBM launch capability or release a bioweapon package. Nothing like being able to conduct a dry run without consequences before hand" is probably spot on.

    1. The Air Farce has in its inventory an Tactica lAirborne Laser Weapon System (TALWS) that can be deployed from a pod mount and other options. Why they are not using it makes me wonder what the hell is going on. Then again, it seems that everyday makes me wonder what the hell is going on.

  13. Good thing it wasn't Russian. /s

  14. The Chinese also said to look closely at the balloon and you will see that it says:
    " Happy Birthday Hunter ! "

  15. One question I haven't seen posed: Is it possible they are using the balloon to "seed" areas it if overflying with manufactured virus/bacteria/microbe? Possibly something that is innocuous until some sort of trigger causes it to become active. Yes, another conspiracy theory.


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