
Tuesday, February 07, 2023

Rancher defends property from illegal trespassers, charged with murder

An Arizona rancher has been charged with first-degree murder and had his bail set at a whopping $1million for fatally shooting a Mexican citizen on his property.


But under Arizona law, deadly force is allowed on one's own property if the homeowner believes it 'immediately necessary' to prevent trespassing.


  1. ...except for protected species...

  2. Leftist DA......

    1. I love your name!! It rolls off the tongue so well!

  3. more leftist lawfare - run him into debt and then take his property for non-payment
    very '30s soviet and nazi - and quite effective as an end-run around the Law.

    1. The legal process is the punishment.

  4. FJB will go to the ends of the earth to make an example of him. There are 5 different commie govt agencies waiting in the wings to charge him with murder. If they fail the UN will try him. I wonder if someone has started a GiveSendGo donation site for the rancher.

  5. Sounds like someone needs a tar and feather visit

  6. Looks like he's getting the Jan6th treatment. Do something right and legal and you're screwed. Do something illegal and immoral multiple times and you're (if you're not dead) set for life.

  7. Not to far from me. These invaders are constantly jumping the border. This guy most likely had been threatened by these invaders before. Lots of drug mules in his lane, between Sasabe and Nogales. I ride dirt bikes in that area and see evidence of them. Fact is I am headed out that way in an hour for some single track riding.
    Sure hope he gets better representation other than a lawyer paid by the state to fight the state? How does that make sense?

  8. He could have offered the poor migrant a drink of water and ended up like Rob Krentz... dead.

    He made the right choice. And Thom says it right.

  9. I heard that when a throw down piece or machete or some such is found, its much harder to prove it was NOT self defense.

    1. That would have been the best thing to do.

  10. If something happens to his wife, the judge should be held accountable for it.

  11. After stating in their headline that his elderly wife is all alone while he's in jail, the DM published his address, with a handy map.

    1. Yeah, I noticed that too. That was nice of them, wasn't it?

  12. Note to self, always have a hole pre-dug some where just in case.....

  13. start shooting them and they will stop invading our country

    1. Shoot, shovel and shut up. Arty

  14. This is lawfare. The use of the legal system as a weapon. The Prosecutor is sending a message and that message is to allow the criminal invaders to invade unmolested. The rancher will almost certainly be acquitted but since the process is the punishment he will be bankrupted and destroyed by the process, and that is their goal. The message is if you interfere with the invasion you will be targeted and destroyed by the criminals in power.

  15. Is there somewhere we can send money for his legal defense?

  16. Is the name of the DA a matter of public record?

  17. Need to publish the DA's name, address, and a map of the address. Seems fair.
    As for the S S S crowd, unless you take out all the illegals and the feds watching, from telescope range, the illegals they sicced on the rancher - then it will just be proof of pre-meditation on the rancher's part. Unless you think the feds would never do something like that.....

  18. He has the right to defend his family and property. The illegal is just that; if the LEO can't control them, we the people will do it for them. But for butt's sake, why not release him on his own recog? Isn't a million kinda harsh?

  19. the host on one of the local talk radio stations was saying that he was being prosecuted by the feds because the locals refused to bring charges.

  20. Taking pot shots at others is always gonna be a problem.

    Why all the hate from yall?

  21. He should have dropped the body back on the other side.of the boarder. Where is U.S. Army? Are we not at war? F#*k.rules of ingagement. Shoot on sight! Shoot to kill!

  22. The illegal is/was Mexican, the neighbor is Mexican, the Sheriff is Mexican, Kelly is white. My money says the judge and the DA are Mexican also. Perhaps that explains the $1,000,000 bond.


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