
Friday, February 03, 2023

SWAT raids the wrong house looking for the wrong person

GALVESTON, Texas - One Galveston family is calling for justice after their home was raided by the SWAT team looking for a murder suspect who wasn’t even the right person. Now, the police chief is on leave over a lapse in communication over the incident.


  1. A routine occurrence. It happens so often I'm surprised it even makes the news anymore. Probably being reported only because the Chief got caught up in the incompetence.

  2. So, did they blow the door with an explosive charge AFTER they got almost everyone out of the house, just because they could? How many .50 cal armed Bearcats were in on the raid?

    Oh wait, only the phonies at the Eff Bee Eye use those tactics against unarmed citizens with no criminal record who MAYBE were guilty of trespassing. My bad.

    Then they wonder why so many in this country despise them.


  3. "We have investigated ourselves and found no evidence of wrong doing".

  4. Violent middle of the night raids by police gangs are a hallmark of authoritarian regimes.

  5. I think S.W.A.T. stands for Lets Fuck With Innocent People. Agree?

  6. Until we get rid of qualified immunity this will continue.

  7. It would be extra interesting if the house they raided belonged to someone a cop hated.

  8. Some years ago their was a SWAT (or TWAT, sounds better..) no-knock raid here in Florida. It was the wrong house of course. The occupant of the house shot and killed one of the team members. In court he was found innocent.

  9. "On leave for miscommunication" You misspelled "caught publicly covering up'

  10. These state sponsored domestic terrorists aka SWAT Team needs to be charged like the Amish cop/thugs in Memphis with aggravated assault, making terroristic threats, kidnapping, false arrest, breaking & entering, Official misconduct, and civil rights violations for starters. This should include the incompetent police chief too. Like mentioned above, unless and until qualified/sovereign immunity is totally banned, this will continue. Make cops pay for their OWN liability insurance out of their OWN pockets as a requirement to even be hired.

  11. I was wondering (but not enough to actually read the article) how much the police destroyed the wrong house. The cops and the city will probably give the home owner the middle finger when it comes to repairing the damage they caused.

  12. Sometimes I think the "Defund The Police" people have a good point

  13. Breach doors in the middle of the night and you will be fired upon (it's just common sense right?. Make sure the address is correct at least. If you want me to BELIEVE that you are a real cop it's going to take me than shiny badge and a raid jacket that are
    sold all over town.


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