
Thursday, February 02, 2023

The shit I posted on Facebook






















  1. #3 I don't frequent Hooters to look at pigs.....

  2. #20 Where would the world be without mud-sharks?

  3. #17 Bullshit, it's the other way around. Navy '65-'69

    1. In which case the boy in blue is scoping the boy in red instead of the rack.

    2. Which ever way those boys can be seperated with a crowbar.

    3. When you get out of the navy you leave your buddy's behind.

    4. The future Marine is only looking at what the Sailor is taking home, look at the Sailors hand placement around the waist. Navy EOD, took home many a marine's wives at Gator Gardens on the Phib Base on Coronado.

    5. You got that right. Navy 70 - 76. Silent Service

  4. 17. Red in the photo looks nothing like Admiral Skirtsteak... ?

  5. #17, excuse me the boy in red grew up to be in the Coast Guard.

    1. Would that be the "Brown Water Navy"?

    2. Nope, that was the USN Riverine patrols in Vietnam. The Coast Guard has wheels on the bottom of their boat. They can't get into water over their heads, either. It's a rule.... Used to be part of the Commerce Department, Revenue Cutters. "Coasta Guarda!! Sava ma boata!!! Sava ma boata!!!!!"

    3. Them swabbies in the MRF had some balls. Well, I'll exclude John Fuckin' Kerry. Bet the only balls he had were somebody else's balanced on his chin.

  6. #3- re-named as Huge-ers

  7. #1 yeah! she paid in $250, got it all back, plus $8,000 in Earned Income Credit and Child Tax Credit, threw away $200 of it for the rapid refund because "I need it now", and complained to the tax preparer that "I got more back last year, are you sure you did it right" and was reminded about the one-year special child tax credit increase that was done "because of covid emergency" has reverted to the paltry traditional amount. Obnoxious sense of entitlement.

    1. And because she had a child all medical and dental/orthodontics is free.. Teenagers are having kids so they can get braces.

  8. I had no idea Hooters had "Pork Wings"

    1. booty shorts by oscar de la tenta .... or is it vidal sasumo??

  9. Let's get 17 straight, that crayon eater in red can't believe that sailor in blue has already tested and approved those floatation devices. Semper Princeps!


  10. #17 is certainly popular. With good reason, of course. And this sounds kind of weird, but my ex wife and I were foster parents to teenage girls. Often for just a night or two, until the social workers could get them into a dialog with their parents and get them back home. It worked most of the time. Teenaged girls often have problems with their parents during that age, and just need someone to talk to , and to act as an intermediary between the two of them, in order to get their parents to not just listen, but to actually HEAR.
    One girl was pregnant, and she stayed until she gave birth and gave up her baby for adoption. But it was this other girl that really touched my heart. She was the adopted daughter of a family friend, and my first football coach. She had self esteem issues, and took them out on her family, basically. She stayed with us for around a year, got her shit together, and moved back home, graduating with he class in about 2 years.
    I saw her about 3 years ago, in a Dollar store, of all places. She was working there. And instead of that young girl, she now looks almost exactly like the red head shown here. She told me that she no longer had contact with my ex, for as she put it, " she has gotten too weird". This young lady actually has been in contact with me a few times, asking my advice about some private things dealing with marriage and kids, etc. Things that one might expect from a father type. It is nice to be able to see just how wonderfully she went from being a scared little troubled kid, to a grown woman with a kid of her own, a couple of step kids and a husband, as well as raising birds as livestock, being a prepper, and just an all around great person. She is beautiful, as well, but she is like a real daughter to me, so I don't see her in that way.

    1. We had exchange students. Most were Japanese girls; there is a saying in the parents groups that once you have a Japanese kid, you tend to stay with them because of the cultural hurdles. But, we also had boys and girls from Ecuador, Germany, Italy, Russia, and Spain. Some of the kids did not have fathers present. We were an emergency home and did short term hosting for kids whose original hosting arrangement fell through drastically on short notice. We were well known in the Texas placement program. We tried in TN, but the school placement here is too difficult to manage.

      Many times over the years, I got emails and even international phone calls about issues they were having and how to resolve them. I helped every one I could and some of the kids have much better lives because of the guidance and advice I gave. The fact that these kids have demonstrably better lives because of my direct intervention is gratifying and brings joy to my heart. I was the tough guy when I had to be and was a shoulder to cry on when necessary. I had an area rep once asked me what my secret was; how did I take these kids and have such a profound effect on their young lives? I explained, I gave them advice and empowered them to make their own decisions while providing them some protection against the possible dangers of doing some crap that was just plain stupid.

      I still correspond with some of them and some have visited me as they grew and had their own families. Out of 15 or so kids, I still have regular contact with three and the rest maintained contact until they got on their feet and became productive adults. Of course, when I left facebook I lost contact because I closed my account in the middle of the second month long suspension and I was unable to communicate my email address during the outage.

  11. #11 Every time I go to Barnes & Noble I get asked t join their discount program for a fee. My response is "I come once every five years. Why would I want to join your discount program for a fee?" to which I usually get the three headed death stare.



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