
Tuesday, May 30, 2023

PsychoChicks - we've all had 'em

MEMPHIS, Tenn. (WMC) - Memphis Police Department arrested and charged a woman for allegedly setting a victim’s car and house on fire. 

Jamilla Watkins, 45, is charged with domestic violence, setting fire to personal property, and arson.


  1. Easy guess. Nemo

  2. A mere $35,000 bond??!! This woman should be locked away for a very long time.

  3. PsychoChicks or Guess the Race
    Both categories work here.

  4. Jamilla and Marlon should hook up.


  5. You need to have a functioning brain to be psychologically damaged. So, an adult Pickaninny wouldn't qualify. In their case it's diagnosed as jungle feral.

  6. Jamila, tats, what more is there to be said.

  7. Dey bees sew stubid dat dey make up da names fo da pigmies not reelizen how dey given away da raze o da crimmanul! Dey Bees Some Dum Fux! Mufflerking

  8. We may have all had 'em but I doubt many of us have had one approaching the level of Miss Watkins. I think whoever took up with this genuine psycho in the first place may benefit from court ordered therapy themselves. Just ship the whole crew off to the booby hatch, bulldoze what's left of the property and call it a day.

  9. Jamilla??? That screams African.

  10. Ain't nuff'n dumber or meaner than a Memphis bluegum.

  11. Wellll..... Back in the day working a paving job I had a squeeze I had just parted ways with torch up the clothes, a large stuffed animal I had won her at some venue, and some other random stuff I had left at her place behind my travel trailer, at 2am one morning. The roar of her car leaving woke me up. I didn't care if any of the other residents of the trailed park saw my naked skinny ass trying to put the fire out or not I just wanted it out.
    Good times, good times.

  12. MartinFromGermanyMay 31, 2023 at 1:59 PM

    Ah, the good old "Guess the Race" game.


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