
Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Tennessee first responders train for overdoses from a popular drug that Narcan can't help

CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. — First responders in Tennessee are now training on how to respond to overdoses involving an increasingly popular drug that can be deadly.

Xylazine, commonly known as 'tranq,' is an animal tranquilizer and is sometimes mixed with fentanyl.

The emergency medicine Narcan is now widely popular and available to treat overdoses.

But 'tranq' is not an opioid, and that means Narcan is ineffective.


  1. The best antdote for "Tranq" is an injection liberal quantity of 2- drugs Pancuronium bromide & potassium chloride administered as soon as practicle.

    1. The best antidote for "Tranq" is a large injection of either Potassium or Calcium. Wait 10 minutes, no more problem with that person overdosing.

    2. I see what you did there...😉😁

  2. Give them a shovel.
    That’s all they need to “help”

    TMF Bert

  3. My thoughts...let them die. If they are stupid enough to take the drug - not sure why it is up to first responders or anyone else to help them.

  4. Isn't that the one that makes addicts flesh rot off?

    John G.

  5. Darwin smiles...

  6. Just don't. There's no reason to let them live.

  7. I have often thought if some fool ODs and we "have' to save them. they should get a mark
    on the forehead or somewhere to show they have been "saved" once already.
    after 3 marks, or saves. NO more. let them go. think of how much we could save in costs !
    back in the early 1990's I worked 3rd shift ER. we used to "see" the same clowns come in
    almost like clockwork for ODs. just let them go. dave in pa.

  8. Let’m hit their 6 ft bottom….

    remember George Floyd is now 3 years clean and sober…

    1. oh man. a 3 yrs clean & sober tee would rank right up there with my old 'cant we all just get a lifeguard' Tee

  9. Actually, Yohimbine (yes, the boner medication) is the antidote to Xylazine. Works like a charm. Have given it to many sedated dogs rather than wait 3 hours for them to return to normalcy.

  10. 'Tranq epidemic'...oh the horror.
    But isnt this kinda like the dummy dust (pcp) craze of the 70's ?
    people do crazy shit
    some die
    others live thru it
    and some obviously took that silly assed 'need a new drug' song way too seriously

  11. Why make law enforcement responsible, spend some of that "reprogrammed" monies on paupers' graves.

  12. "But 'tranq' is not an opioid, and that means Narcan is ineffective." And why is this a problem?

  13. Yobine inj (yohimbine) used in vet med for years to reverse xylazine, takes about 2 minutes.


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