
Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Does this guy ever shut the fuck up?

MEMPHIS, Tenn. (WMC) - Tennessee Representative Justin J. Pearson (D-Memphis) came to the Bluff City on Friday to shed light on the community leaders and activists who were banned from Memphis-Shelby County School (MSCS) board meetings. 

Pearson is standing with the activists in their calls to rescind the bans.


  1. From the photo in the article I see they've all been painted with the same brush.

  2. Chicken and watermelon served after his speech.

  3. And by "shed light on" he means obfuscate, muddy the waters and straight up liehis ass off about their ridiculous antics that they knew full well were against the rules and they would be booted because of. As I understood the original incident, and I did quite a bit of checking at the time, they had it all pretty much planned before hand and they got every chance to knock it off and more before they forced the vote to remove them. They had it all mapped out including the current PR junket right from the get-go. So, no, he isn't ever going to STFU, quite the contrary, he's going to beat that drum at every opportunity right up until he cashes in his chips. His Victim Card has no expiration date.

  4. We'll never be rid of him. He'll be Ocasio Cortez's running mate for the new communist peoples workers party for president.

  5. Joggers, all.....

  6. Yeah, well, their still banned so he accomplished NOTHING! I watched my 3 yo grand daughter also scream and holler today...she didn't accomplish anything either.

    1. He was reappointed by a unanimous vote of the members present at the Shelby County Board of Commissioners on April 12, less than a week after getting the boot that he deserved, don't tell the granddaughter.

    2. Matthew, I believe he was referring to the troublemakers that were banned from the school board meeting, not the rabble rouser that was kicked out of the State legislature.

  7. "Does this guy ever shut the fuck up?"

    Attention whores never shut up.


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