
Tuesday, June 13, 2023

"One Adam 12, One Adam 12, see the lady at...."

MEMPHIS, Tenn. (WMC) - A man accused of stealing a handheld police radio and impersonating officers in Shelby County was arrested Monday, according to law enforcement. 

Patrick Alexander, 43, is charged with theft of property and criminal impersonation.


  1. I have to admit that sounds kind of fun.

  2. He'll fit right in any po lice department. Already has the stealing chops down cold.

  3. Ham Radio operators have Fox Hunts for fun. They put a transmitter some place and it transmits the owners call sign every few minutes. The Hams use direction finding equipment to track it down. An officer in one of the local departments lost his handie talkie during a foot pursuit and couldn't find it when he retraced his steps. The next day, a teenaged boy started harassing the officers over the radio, taunting them with "You'll never find me". One of the officers knew about the local Ham Radio club and their Fox Hunts. They set everything up and one of the officers taunted the kid over the radio. He responded and the Hams pinpointed the house where the kid lived. The kid's Mom answered the door and when the officers told her what was going on, she led them to his room. They recovered the radio, I never heard what happened to him, but I got the impression that Mom's punishment might have been worse than what a judge would have handed down.

    1. I love a story with a happy ending. *sniff*

  4. When I was on the USS Simon Lake there was some guy who managed to tap into the 1MC and every so often after the bosun's whistle we would hear him break in, he'd usually go with something like: "Now Hear This, Now Hear This, All hands muster to the helo deck for semi-annual flight line knot tying qualification. This is not a drill, this is not a drill....IT'S A BAND SAW!! Then he'd do some ridiculous version of the closing whistle and we wouldn't hear from him for a couple of weeks. He never got caught while I was there.

    1. Same thing when I was a cadet at West Point. Someone tapped into the loudspeaker system and would either play music in the wee hours or play recorded skits mocking senior officers. Good times.


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