
Monday, June 12, 2023

Pritzker signs bill limiting constitutional challenges to two counties; opponents call it tyrannical

(The Center Square) – Effective immediately, Illinoisans wanting to challenge the constitutionality of state laws or executive actions in state court can only file litigation in two of the state’s 102 counties. 

The contentious measure passed both chambers along party lines and says citizens can only file litigation in state court in either Sangamon or Cook counties. Gov. J.B. Pritzker signed the bill Tuesday.


  1. I dont believe that this law is Constitutional. It will be challenged and lose.

    1. Great, I hope you're right, but even that is completely unjust. The first two problems with that outlook are that the citizen is paying both sides of the balance: Some private citizen has to pay attorneys to file suit (in one of those two counties), then their tax dollars are used to fight them for it.

      The next thing is the time it takes to get these court decisions through the various systems and "...rights delayed are rights denied...". You KNOW the citizen will lose at state level, after as many delays as can be contrived by the state, and some of us are getting pretty old to want to wait 5 years for it to get the the USSC.

      Same thing as these bogus gun laws, we know they're unconstitutional, but between the Dims and the RINOs, there is no impediment or penalty to passing them. We just lose time out of our lives and money out of our pockets fighting them and paying them to fight us. Fucking weenies.

    2. Of course it'll be challenged. There'll be a flood of challenges. So what?
      The aim is to tie it up in court for eons. And to run up legal costs.

    3. Then make an impediment. Not through any office of government, but through yourself and others who you know or will hear you.

      And be sure to let the elected morons know of what you're about to do. Then regularly let them know how you're doing.
      'Just wanted you to know that I got another 5 names to day.' 'I got another 17 names today.' 'I'm up to 148 names as of today, all agreeing to not vote for you.' That will rile them but good.

      The poli-ticks are like 7th graders; they thrive on attention, they need to have a consensus. The key is to threaten that. They'll turn from each other to save their own bacon. Literally, their power is as illusory as the small little man pretending he's the great wizard of oz. They know it. They hope you don't know it.

      Even governors need to know they have support in the legislature.

      All you have to do is leave comments directed to other citizens in your state (for state issues). Blogs and video sites like YT or Rumble make it easy.

  2. Seems that ropes and guillotines may be the only alternatives left to the citizens. Or is that their goal?

    1. We are decades past that "awkward stage" Ms. Claire Wolfe spoke of...

  3. Will anyone have the balls or moola to go the SCOTUS route?

    1. is taking that route even valid anymore?

  4. Brad, your best bet is to GTFOD. Illinois is gone. Just like NY, NJ, MD, CA, WA, OR, MA, RI, CT, PA, MN.

  5. pritzker just told the rest of the state to F off.

  6. The County Exec's might consider telling the Gov and legislature that, since their equal status as citizens is being curtailed, State officials who venture outside those two counties will be arrested.

  7. Wasn't this sort of thing one of King George III's favorite tricks?

  8. Only two counties. Control the judges in those two counties, like they're not already, and you won't have "far right radicals" winning lawsuits where Illinois has overstepped its boundaries. Habitual line steppers are what they are!

  9. Sangamon is Springfield, and everybody knows where Cook County is.

  10. I don't know about Sangamon County, but in Cook County, judges are elected. Republicans don't even field a candidate for the judges positions. Candidates for judges and judicial retention is almost 1/2 of the entire ballot in most elections.

  11. How about Illinois State law only applies in those 2 counties and the rest of the counties can decide what laws they want independent of the State.


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