
Thursday, June 01, 2023

The Iron Fist of the Government Crashes Down Again

Less than two months after he pleaded guilty to storming the U.S. Capitol, Texas resident Daniel Goodwyn appeared on Tucker Carlson’s then-Fox News show and promoted a website where supporters could donate money to Goodwyn and other rioters whom the site called “political prisoners.” 

The Justice Department now wants Goodwyn to give up more than $25,000 he raised — a clawback that is part of a growing effort by the government to prevent rioters from being able to personally profit from participating in the attack that shook the foundations of American democracy.


  1. "The attack that shook the foundations of American democracy."

    Sounds like the article was ghost written by Nancy Pelosi's staff.

    1. Silly me. I just caught the fact that it's a KTLA story based on something written by an Associated Press writer. So, the article was indeed written by a Pelosi staffer.

  2. 'Attack'? What attack?
    Oh, you mean the visit from the FBI with their invited guests.

  3. I love my country.
    I hate it's fucking government!

  4. I feel sorry for Mr. Godwyn, but the government will get their $25,000 pound of flesh. The general conservative public who think every body thinks like them cannot comprehend the Progressive mindset. The Progs are obsessed with totally destroying their "enemies/opponents. They live, eat and sleep it 24/7 365. They have absolutely no moral compass. They believe they are the Gods and their opponents are Satan. It's that simple.

    1. they will not let you live in peace. you either have to bow down to whatever they say or they will try their best to destroy you. just look at what they did to general Flynn
      if they can do that to him and get away with it, what chance do you have ?
      we better start to realize that this will be a fight to the death in the end.
      or just wait until they come for you. dave in pa,

  5. Release the video footage and let the people decide.

    1. You mean the video that shows there were 2 shooters in Dallas when JFK lost his head?

  6. Hmmm... interesting precedent. Not letting rioters profit... I know where we can pick up another 80 million bucks.

  7. WestcoastDeplorableJune 1, 2023 at 5:38 PM

    KTLA is about as liberal as they come. I only watch them for the weather report and half the time they don't include the Inland Empire. Sure love to cover those cop car chases though; that'll pre-empt EVERYTHING else; almost like nothing else happened that day!

  8. I believe this sums up the irony nicely... He should not be able to use his own notoriety gained in the commission of his crimes to ‘capitalize’ on his participation in the Capitol breach in this way,” a prosecutor wrote in court papers.
    So, who else uses their "crimes" to cash in??? Hmmmm


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