
Thursday, June 01, 2023

Thursday's gifdump













  1. #2 I will just gather the trash and pick through for cans later.
    #6 I can see a couple of reasons why she is a reporter.
    #8 I live on a lake with alligators and I see kayakers all the time. WTF.
    #9 That is my fishing experience. Fish mock me all the time.

    1. #6- You, Sir, obviously like to keep abreast of the news.

  2. #2 - A woman where I used live only had space to drive. The rest was cluttered with fast food packaging & detritus.

  3. As always, they are all great. But I had to single out #6. Alexandra Daddario is underrated as both an actress and just a beautiful woman. This GIF shows much of the reason why I find her so gorgeous. Her eyes are just about perfect and always draw me in. Probably it is part how beautiful they are, and part how she has learned to use them in a way that beautiful women tend to do, that invites men to desire to let her consume them like a succubus.
    Of course, the open dress showing her very nice, uh, assets don't hurt either. But there are literally millions of women who have hot bodies, that don't have the looks that show via their personalities, like Alexandria seems to have. I can think of a few women that have the sort of personalities that make them stand out from other women who would be just as hot, save for their personalities. Jennifer Aniston is one, whose personality makes her seem much hotter than just her looks, no matter how old she gets.
    The opposite is also true. Gwynneth Paltrow would be considered to be one of the hotter movie stars of our time. But because of her personality, I.E. batshit crazy, I can't think of anyone that I would desire less.
    I know, I know, beauty is a subjective thing, and it is not very decent of a man to speak of things like rating women based on attractiveness, almost like the slave auctions of the early 19th century. I like to think that I am above such things, but I also know that deep down, I am 100% male at heart, and even though this month I turn 63 and someday I likely will stop thinking about the female form and sex, so far it has not happened, and I don't expect it to happen anytime soon. It likely is a race, between my sex drive and death. I not so secretly hope that death wins.

    1. I think it was Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter who was asked, at age 80-something, when you stop noticing women. He replied that you would need to ask someone older than him.

    2. WestcoastDeplorableJune 1, 2023 at 5:49 PM

      I don't care for Jen Aniston and fail to see her appeal, but you're sure spot-on about GP. Her momma Blythe, is actually much more attractive and a big part of that is her personality. GP actually sells the scent of her pussy as a candle..phew!

    3. Friend of mine brought his GF, later his wife, to meet the family. During the evening she felt her ass being pinched.
      She looked over at her boyfriend on her right, but he had a drink in his left hand and was gesturing with his right as he talked.
      So she looked to her left, and John's 85 year old grandfather winked at her.

  4. #1 falls in category of be careful what you wish for. The doe had a fawn hidden, and was protecting her baby

    1. I've seen momma does actively hunt and chase down bobcats.

  5. #1 - "Fight me FIGHT ME - oooo sorry sorry SORRY !!

    #6 - Don't worry sweetheart - nobody is looking at your facial expressions. Would you mind moving that mic just a tad ?

    1. There's a picture of her wearing a t-shirt that has the following emblazoned across her chest: "Stop staring at my eyes!"

      One copy of said image can be found here:

  6. That doe has to be about to give birth. That's the only time deer are very hard to scare... though usually they will jump over fences rather than plow through them.

  7. #4: Can't be a blue state road or there'd be a toll booth.

  8. #6 - I was never a huge fan of Ms. Daddario , but she's growing on me. Looking great naked doesn't hurt...
    #9 reminds me of: “Waiter! What’s this fly doing in my soup?” - "The Backstroke!"

  9. I used to see gar flip over like that when I'd shoot em through the swim bladder with the .22 pistol I always carried when fishing in South Texas. There were too damn many of them.

  10. 7 - "Never stand and take a charge. Charge them too" - Nathan Bedford Forrest


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