
Monday, June 12, 2023

Trump Supporters’ Violent Rhetoric in His Defense Disturbs Experts

From the New York Times:

The federal indictment of former President Donald Trump has unleashed a wave of calls by his supporters for violence and an uprising to defend him, disturbing observers and raising concerns of a dangerous atmosphere before his court appearance in Miami on Tuesday. 

In social media posts and public remarks, close allies of Trump — including a member of Congress — have portrayed the indictment as an act of war, called for retribution and highlighted the fact that much of his base carries weapons. The allies have painted Trump as a victim of a weaponized Justice Department controlled by President Joe Biden, his potential opponent in the 2024 election.


One False Flag event coming right up!


  1. Its funny to see the gaslighting in-progress.
    Reminds me of Star Wars, the "Rebels" were the good guys, and the eeeevil emperor was the bad guy. Surprised disney hasn't re-written that yet.

    1. Go to Disney, Vader and the Stormtroopers are far more popular than the rebels.

  2. They supposedly cut protection of Trump at the courthouse

  3. If you rely on Yahoo "News" for anything, it's the opposite of the truth.

    1. The same can be said about any MSM news source.

    2. the sad part is that way too many believe that shit just the way it's presented.

    3. It wasn't a Yahoo News article, it was a New York Times article.
      Not that there's much difference between the two.

      Gotta go. Sean Hannity is about to interview 'his friend', President Gavin '$5 a gallon gas' Newsom. I can't wait.

  4. “He that would make his own liberty secure, must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty, he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself.” – Thomas Paine
    All patriots, regardless of opinion of DJT, must guard him from this oppression.

  5. The Alphabet Soup is coming to a hard simmer

  6. Ray Epps, call your handler! Use your burner Ray....

    Meanwhile the FBI dusts off their MAGA hats and tests their earpieces.

    1. If Ray Epps were to go missing without the knowledge of the FBI, you would see Pelosi and company go right bezerk! Even better if he was later found dead as a result of torture.

  7. In the J6 insurrection….
    how many people were charged….
    with carrying a dangerous weapon or a gun….????
    I’m think that only the feds and their instigators were carrying….
    How can you have an insurrection with unarmed people….????


  8. So the left threatening violence is ok, and accepted. But the right doing it? Not so much. Notice the different standard (again)?

    Of course, I was always a more direct guy....don't threaten, just do it. But that is just me.

  9. Kari Lake's comment about the NRA was idiotic. Before she came up with that one, I thought she was OK. Now - just another blow-hard.

  10. FTA. "The allies have painted Trump as a victim of a weaponized Justice Department controlled by President Joe Biden." Be patient. Someone in the Justice Dept. is going to tell the truth. Something the New York Times knows nothing about.

  11. My plan is to write-in Trump on the ballot for 2024, regardless of whether they arrest him, put him in prison, or whatever. That way I don't vote for any other dickless Republican, and it registers that I don't care what the powers that be think of him. Hopefully he gets enough votes to scare the Left and Neocon Republicans more witless than they already are. I want them to go to bed every night fearing a real violent insurrection.

    Back in the late 1700's, John Adams used the Sedition Act to imprison a Vermonter who had criticized him. The western Vermont constituency voted the man in to Congress despite the fact he was sitting in prison.

    1. Matthew Lyon. All he did was call Adams sme names. Weaponized justice system convicted and jailed him. The weirdness is that he was a member of the Democrat-Republican party.

  12. "They" want civil war or anything to kill off a bunch of useless eaters.

  13. The term "violent rhetoric" is a contradiction. Words themselves can never be violent. Only actions are violent and actions are not rhetoric, they are real. Just more propagandist BS from the left seeking an excuse to gut the First Amendment and impose controls on thought and speech.

  14. Change far-right to far-left and swap some of the names and the article applies equally to Democrats.

  15. The Left has, for quite some time, labeled those on the right as committing "genocide" for refusing to accept the fallacy of the queer agenda, so what's another fed / Lincoln project operation?

  16. A notorious jew said about the wars between blacks, hispanicos/hispanicas, and Americans of Northern European Heritage:
    * Too bad they can't all lose.


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