
Thursday, September 28, 2023

2023 Could See Highest Number of People on Food Stamps Since 2016

The 2023 fiscal year is on track to average the highest number of individuals on food stamps in the U.S. since 2016. 

There were 42,329,101 on food assistance on average each month on through the first nine months of the fiscal year, as of June 2023, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The fiscal year is completed at the end of September.


  1. Xidenflation is a bitch, prices are way up on everything and package sizes are smaller so you get a double whammy at the register
    Fuck slo joe and kamel toe

  2. Hell yeah…
    Look at the influx of shit stain illegals!!
    Damn right it’s gonna rise.

  3. Put the entire Foreign Aid Budget, including money to Ukraine and Israel, into the SNAP program. Start deporting any and all who are not US citizens. Put a hold on all naturalizations retroactive to 2020.

    1. All that plus a bounty on illegals. Citizen hunters roving the country. Armed citizen militias (organized, or unorganized) manning the international borders, airports, and docks.
      $x for each left ear, $xx for each nose.
      Each illegal mandatory sentenced to three years road repair or 5x repayment of any or all welfare received by them.

  4. Yep. Its due to all the wetbacks invading this country.(for its freebees)

  5. Do not worry, if the government shuts down, provisions have already been made to keep Uke’s open at your expense. I know that is a relief to us all.

    1. None - not one - intel agency or department will know even a delay in payment during the theatrical production of Shutdown 2023.

  6. Cloward-piven strategy.
    Destroy the government through abuse of its welfare program. The Ds are deliberately trying to bankrupt the country to try to turn it socialist.

    1. And Americans fiddle while America burns.
      Everyone is Nero.


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