
Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Commentary: Democratic-Run States Are Losing Population, Power, and Congressional Seats

For years, Americans who believe in limited government and putting the American people first have had to watch as states like California, New York, and Illinois have turned their cities into dystopian hellscapes and sent unhinged politicians to Washington DC to inflict their policies on the rest of the nation. 


  1. You're all seeing it wrong!
    Democrats are not 'leaving' their states, they are just temporarily moving to RED states to preach their hatred and stupidity and vote for the same people they have always been voting for.

    1. If you know physics then you've at least heard of the terms entropy, magnetism, and equilibrium. These asshats don't disappear; the insane are attracted to places of sanity and then spend their energy to transform that locale into another shithole. They love equilibrium.

  2. “While a red state earning a new Congressional seat due to inward migration doesn’t automatically mean that seat will be filled by a conservative, the chances are a whole lot better since new residents will melt into an ingrained culture.”

    This is not a fast law. These fleeing people more often than not bring their left coast madness, wants and desires with them. They can’t help it, they have been brainwashed by the very unrealistic culture that is Cali. Here in Idaho we already feel the negative affects of the Cali infusion of mental illness. For instance in my little town, it’s easy to pick out the Cali-freaks new to the area. Most of us shun them, or make their life here hard, in a way to drive them out. It works after a time on the really crazies. Some truly attempt to change their evil ways. But they routinely fall back on their insane Cali brainwash view of what the world should be and their unrealistic fantasy view of reality.
    I am still viewed as an outsider. My only saving grace is that I volunteer at the local State Park, I am a retired colonel, and I buy rounds when I am eating and drinking at the local smoke house.

    1. My experience after moving from California to Tennessee was the exact opposite. I can't tell you how many people have shook my hand and told me "Welcome to Tennessee."
      Buuuuut.... I have done my damnedest to assimilate into the culture here rather than insist that they 'accommodate' me.

    2. Californians would do well to remember that they are refugees, not missionaries.

    3. Leftist Californians would remember no such thing. Because they believe they are right in their beliefs and opinions and that if you don't think like they do there's something wrong with you.

      I've been dealing with people like that here in California for over 5 decades now. They're the same people that destroyed the timber industry here and are currently fighting to prevent the reopening of a historic gold mine near my home town. They're arrogant asses that are incapable of carrying on a reasoned discussion about anything. They are right, you are wrong, end of discussion.

    4. Not all of us! Says the last Reagan voter, who refuses to leave this once great state that he was born in. Grumpy Ex 1/18th Cav California Army National Guard

  3. But the counting at the census is done by democrats. So there will not be much of an impact. They played with the numbers after biden took office.

  4. Don't forget about the seven million future voters being "infused" into the country in just the last two years. A million Venezuelans carrying their own flags across the border know exactly how they'll vote and it won't be conservative.

  5. Check out the Babylon Bee video series "Californians move to Texas" hilarious.


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