
Monday, September 25, 2023

Commentary: The Justice System Is Now a Weapon in Progressives’ Arsenal Against Political Enemies

Attorney General Merrick Garland gave his best Captain Renault impression on Capitol Hill in denying a double standard in how the Justice Department investigated (or didn’t) Hunter Biden (and his father) versus how they pursue his political rival. Shocked, shocked, indeed.


  1. Why respect any laws anymore, don't harm others but do what you can get away with. And if you can get on a jury then monkey wrench the system. Cause mistrials. Use jury nullification. Vote to acquit white perps against black victims. Etc.

    The only way to address a corrupt justice system is lawlessness all around.

  2. It's all bullshit.... If you're not rich and/or connected to someone who is you are basically fucked in any courthouse outside of possibly your local one..

  3. We all know that, if fact we've known it for 2 decades, and finally seen the end-game coming together for 2+ years. Now how about telling us how to "fix" it. Or is it like the weather where we just watch the overpaid TV stooges point at the digital maps and afterwards just to try not to get wet and cold.

    1. Because FedPoasting's bad. M'Kay?

  4. (((Merrick Garland)))

  5. The only way out is sadly destroying the country. Time for states to be states & do away with the federal government.

  6. Why anyone should be surprised by this is ridiculous. If it weren't for double standards, Garland...would have no standards whatsoever.


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