
Monday, September 25, 2023

Daycare - where life is one big party

A kilogram of fentanyl was stored on top of children's play mats used for napping at the New York City day care where a 1-year-old boy died from exposure to the drug, according to a new federal criminal complaint.

Three other children, ranging in age from 8 months to 2 years, were hospitalized and treated with Narcan and are now recovering, police said. An analysis of urine from one of the victims confirmed the presence of fentanyl, officials said.


  1. I was watching the latest video by Nick Johnson. He travels around the country showing the living conditions. So, he's driving down this street where an ambulance is. The medics have a homeless guy on a gurney giving him Narcan. The guy comes out of it, say's he's fine, and jumps off the gurney and runs back to a group of people he was doing drugs with. The ambulance begins driving away but a guy comes running out and flags it down. The guy they just Narcaned had just OD again. -sammy

  2. As my mother is fond of saying: "Why do you even have children if you're too bothered to stick around to raise them?"

    Day cares, it turns out, can be quite dangerous places for children. It seems like not a day goes by where there's no crazy shit like this making the news cycle.


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