
Friday, September 22, 2023

Doug from The DaleyGator needs our help - Re-posted

 My name is Doug, and my mother has decided to cease her dialysis treatments. I have been her caregiver for four years, since my dad passed away in 2019. I have not worked since 2019 because mom has needed full time care, which I have provided in our home and we have been living on her Social Security benefits.

When she passes away, her benefits will cease, and I will very soon run out of money to live on. I was just beginning to apply for Medicare and Disability for me, so, it will be a few weeks before I can begin supporting myself. Our bank account is low, and the final expenses will likely deplete it entirely.

Frankly, I need some help, and would be grateful for any help you can give.

God bless and thank you very much
Doug Hagin


If you can see your way to join me in donating a few bucks to help out a fellow Patriot, I know it will be appreciated. Times are tough and it sounds like Doug could use a helping hand.


  1. I would be glad to drop a few bucks,anyway though to bypass the gofundme folks?

    1. No easy way. Just hold your nose and donate something. Just did 20. Not much but if everybody throws a little bit into the pot it can add up.

      Wirecutter - bump the post to the top again.


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