
Friday, September 15, 2023

Here’s What The House GOP Should Do Right Now To Fight Democrats’ Republic-Crushing Lawfare

House Republicans are bringing a butter knife to a gunfight as Democrats, including their media and government lapdogs, conduct an unprecedented lawfare campaign to destroy President Trump.


  1. Republicans won't fight against their Uniparty comrades, and expecting them to defend President Trump against the swamp is futile. Look at all the NeverTtrumpers "who have crossed the aisle" to attack President Trump and have included his supporters in their attacks. "Hello McFly..." Jan 6 prosecutions mean anything to you??? The worst thing they could imagine is President Trump getting back into Washington DC, to clean up the swamp.

    The Republican side of the Uniparty is in the position where they have to look like they are "doing something", but they will not upset the swamp's applecart, nor the goodies that come to them from it. And they will use 'the attacks on President Trump to bleat for more money and more votes; which they won't do anything with. Note, Obamacare could have been repealed anytime during the first 2 years of President Trump's term, but the Republicans wouldn't do it. That is one place where I will give credit to the Democrats. They will enact their agenda, even if they lose control the next term, because they are well aware that, once enacted, it is never repealed. Of course, that is expecting Republicans to do what they were elected for, and as I noted, they won't do that.


  2. I have no idea being Aussie and knowing bugga all about politics

  3. The sooner you folks realize bullets to the heads are the only fix…the better off you all will be. Figure it out too late…and the wrong heads get ventilated. That’s their end game.

    1. well. I hate to say this, but I think your right about it. there are a lot of lawyers that need to be dragged out into the street and shot in the face on live TV. hell, I am kind of amazed a few of them are still alive really. some of them have already done enough to get shot down like the mad assholes they are. there are a few that go on TV that need to be shot on the air live. maybe a few others will get the idea that it is not a good idea to destroy people for no reason but they don't think like you do.
      but I have my doubts any of this will end peaceful anymore. dave in pa.

  4. All I hear from 'politicians' is bla bla bla. Most talk a good game, some even sound believable but nothing changes. 3/4 get reelected for some reason. Would it help to stop voting incumbents no matter the party? One should hope so. Otherwise as stated it is going to get ugly.

  5. I have already quit two jobs because I was flat out told that I was "un-promotable" because I was a white male.


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