
Monday, September 18, 2023

Hunter Biden sues IRS for 'embarrassing him

Hunter Biden has sued the Internal Revenue Service over claims agents illegally released his tax returns. 

President Joe Biden's son claims the agency violated his privacy by unlawfully disclosing his records to members of Congress and to the news media.


  1. Chutzpa.

    But then again what is the Streisand effect?

  2. It's called lawfare.

  3. He'll make MILLIONS.
    It is like BLM suing and winning huge lawsuits against police for trying to stop them from rioting looting burning and killing.

  4. Reminds me of some sons of a dictator in the middle east that ended up on the scales of justice.

    1. The wood chipper brothers?
      I could go along with that being the scales of justice.



  5. Ya gotta give this neurotic, obsessed sociopath credit. This druggie asshole is smart enough to know static defense is bound to fail, so it's Tora, Tora, Tora when you have nothing to lose.

  6. Donald Trump: "How does it feeeeel?"

    All it will take is a couple of bent judges, and Hunter collects.

  7. Remember all the "public interest" reasons they gave for getting Trump's tax returns? Seems to me that evidence of criminal activity is an exemption for the law about disclosure of tax return information, since it would have come out in the public trial anyway.
    I, for one, would look forward to his public execution on the National Mall. Right alongside his father.

  8. Wait, you can sue for embarrassment? I know 81,000,000 or so need to file a class action suit against FJB tomorrow. Multiple counts!

  9. Funny, innit? It was OK when they released Trump's Tax Returns, But now it's a Bad Thing. How's it feel now that you get what your daddy pushed on others?

    1. Rules for thee but not for me

  10. Just remember, he has the best attorney's the taxpayers can buy.

  11. That's awesome! I'm using this defense from now on!

  12. here is a idea, how about making a meme about his poor ass ? I mean the asshole is the poster boy for white privilege if there ever was one ! for god's sake all of the crooked bidets are. and about the gun charges, hell, anyone else would already be behind bars in a federal pen- you know the pound you up the ass kind of place ! whiney fuck.
    what I don't understand is how the SS guys can "protect" assholes like this one ?
    how do you protect some worthless POS anyway ? dave in pa.

  13. I think that even half of the Laptop From Hell videos are true, he would be "unembarrassable"

    Steve L.


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