
Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Is New Mexico Governor Grisham Deliberately Inciting Open Rebellion?

Soros-backed high-ranking State, County, and Municipal officials do not initiate unconscionable, unconstitutional actions out of the blue. And that is no less true of New Mexico’s present Governor, Michelle Lujan Grisham.

This pretentious, sanctimonious political leader of New Mexico is a Soros-backed toady.

As the New York Post reported on September 9, 2023,


  1. She's a power mad liberal POS and she's doing what liberal POS do

  2. All politicians are control freaks. That's why their politicians. However it's the neurotic obsessed ones who tend to gravitate to the Democrat party. This bitch is in the same club as Kathey Hochul, Gretchen Whitmer, Ilse Koch and Nurse Ratchet.

  3. For DECADES the commie left has trampled our Rights and abused their authority with complete impunity. They constantly push the limits and get away with it. This criminal edict was a logical outcome of the many thousands of prior abuses they succeeded in implementing. And since they suffer zero consequences for doing these things expect them to continue their abusive misconduct and expand it.

  4. Why didn't the Bernadillo Sheriff arrest her sorry ass?

    1. That's what I want to know. Its the $64,000 question.

    2. It's not that the local constabulary doesn't agree with her so much as they don't want to be sued. The governor recently signed legislation diminishing their "qualified immunity"

    3. Legally Armed America just did a video on that. He showed the bill, and the text shows it also takes away HER qualified immunity. So why isn't she being personally sued?

  5. Grisham’s action was just a trial balloon to see how we would react. I don’t know if the left was surprised by those New Mexicans’ actions or if they just needed to gauge how much more work is needed to disarm us. What I do know is we Americans are pretty persnickety about our guns and most of us realize that sometimes you just have to throw on that crown and show them who they’re dealing with.

    1. That's nothing compared to the surprise of a Biden-appointed judge slapping a temporary injunction on the Governor's decree, because "the plaintiff is likely to prevail."
      The last thing Grisham wants is a court precedent on a matter like this, so she yanked her origingal decree and issued one that says "no carry in parks."
      (Which is also being challennged in court.)

  6. Is she taking orders or money from the cartels?

    1. That would be Cartel Katie in Az. Her very first order after being installed was to pull down the border wall.

    2. "Is Bismarck a hewwing?" /Lilly von Schtupp voice.

  7. Why yes, yes she does want to trigger an armed "terrorist" uprising, so she can declare martial law. Gotta put those uppity useless eaters in their proper place, doncha know.

    1. I've been saying this for years. the left is purposely pushing to get someone to crack, just so they have a "legitimate" excuse to declare martial law.

      - Chi.

  8. Keep voting for women and get a nanny state. Bitchocracy. Kamala or Moochelle up next.

  9. Read a story else where this AM proclaiming Grisham N.M's newest gun salesman of the year.



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