
Thursday, September 14, 2023

Neck and neck in the polls, my ass

WASHINGTON — Donald Trump is polling even with President Joe Biden in a likely 2024 rematch, sparking mixed feelings among Democrats 14 months from Election Day. Some are alarmed by the neck-and-neck race, while Biden campaign officials and other allies downplay the recent polls as meaningless this early in the cycle.


  1. Just setting up the sheep for another fixed election.

  2. Who the F*ck are those idiot "undecideds" at this point?
    Both have track records and if you don't know by now..................

  3. the only neck we should hear about is when they snap at the bottom of the drop.

  4. Of course, the polling was performed only among staunch democrats.

  5. yeah, right. if anything, polls are bullshit. it depends on WHO does them.
    most people here have to drive to work at least 40 minutes. at 3.89 a gallon, that cuts into their paycheck, and then there is the price of food. 6-8% my ass. more like 50-75% on meats and other stuff. pet food has gone up a lot under bidet.
    just the other day, was talking about gas prices, my neighbor was wishful for under 2 dollar gas again if Trump gets back in. even the local dem, has a hard time thinking of anything good to say about that asshole Biden these days. he just tells us he sorry about it.
    dave in pa.

  6. Only dead people would vote for joe.

  7. "It's not the people who vote that count, it's the people who count the votes."

    Attributed to Stalin. But others have spoken variations on this theme.

  8. Biden's gonna be disappeared and it's not certain Trump will be primaried. We could wind up with a whole new 2 assholes contest. Anyone wanna play the guessing game on the 2 new Washington D.C. club candidates?

    1. In the event Trump is primaried, the GOP vote will be divided by Trump write-ins and somebody "Romneyesque".

  9. Polls are not worth much, as you can get any result you want, based on how you phrase the question and who and when and where you ask. Phone calls at 2 pm to the house gets a different set of people than other ways of getting answers. Calls to the Detroit area get different results than calls to rural areas.
    You can bet the pollsters know this and make sure that they get what they want.

  10. The constant polls are part of our propaganda. If one can they should always take the poll and lie on it. Corrupt the data, make the polls more inaccurate.

  11. Trump can dress himself in the morning.
    Trump can count to ten without using his fingers.
    He should win in a landslide again with just those qualifications.
    He's going to grab the Swamp by the pussy, and then what?
    Bring the treason and corruption to justice?
    Trump needs a next level plan and army to regain the White House.

  12. This is all for show. The next president has already been chosen and it's neither Trump nor Biden.

  13. Neck and neck in the polls doesn't matter - Electoral College votes matter. There are several states Trump took by very narrow margins. There is a sizable block of independent voters and Republican voters who will vote for Trump under no circumstances. Unless something major changes, Trump has very little chance of winning in the Electoral College.

    The deadline for getting on the Democrat primary ballot is coming up in October and November in several states. So, if anybody - like Gavin Newsom - wants to challenge him, it has to be soon, or Biden will be locked in as the candidate.

    Having said that, to quote Tip O'Neill, "A week is a year in politics." It's a long way to November '24. If Biden continues to decline (and it is starting to be apparent and discussed by Democrats in general and the media in particular), if evidence of his corruption can no longer be suppressed, if he makes some terrible gaffe, like referring to blacks by the forbidden word, then all bets are off.

  14. Anyone who believes Trump and Biden are "neck and neck" is a fool. Who the fuck would actually vote for that "rotting bag of oatmeal" as Bongino calls him? Fact is, the media is eaten up with the dems in charge and any "news" we see is pure and utter bullshit.
    We gotta keep in mind, Trump DID win last election, Biden NEVER won, the dems cheated and they'll cheat again this time if we let them. What the GOP should be doing in setting up a network of us good old boys to police those drop boxes and demand a laser focus on all the ballots. None of this "water main break" (that never happened) this time!


  16. DOnt worry,
    DeKalb and Fulton county in Atlanta will magically find just enough votes at 3AM again just like they did last time , to put their guy over the top.
    Unless and until, the state of Georgia makes Fulton and DeKalb counties report their votes first, before the other counties vote counts are released to the public, Fulton and DeKalb will continue to cheat.


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