
Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Officials: White House taking wait-and-see approach to rising gas prices

Senior White House aides huddled multiple times this week to discuss policy options to keep a lid on gasoline prices, officials told CNN, as prices continued rising steadily in recent weeks amid strong economic demand, refinery issues, extreme weather, and geopolitical tensions. 

In the meetings – which included national security adviser Jake Sullivan, National Economic Council director Lael Brainard, White House chief of staff Jeff Zients, and senior advisor Amos Hochstein – officials discussed a menu of domestic and international policy options but have not decided to take action in the near-term.


No shit. That's all Biden and his administration has done, taking a wait & see approach.


  1. Wait and See? No, they have ACTIVELY destroyed the economy and went to war against the petroleum industry. Wait and See my butt. The Arsonist dumps the gas and tosses the match, then they Wait and See.

  2. Wait & see. And continue to deplete the SPR.
    - WDS

  3. "No shit. That's all Biden and his administration has done, taking a wait & see approach"

    Because they learned that from the Republicans in Congress.

  4. Brandon has caused the price increases from day one of his fraudulent occupation of the oval office. Local price for a gallon of gas was $ 1.95 on Nov 3rd 2020! Jan 18 2021 @ 2.39/gallon!

    1. Grass Valley, CA Pre-Biden price $2.95. Today, the price at the same Qwik-e-Mart is $5.29.

      That's an 80% increase over Biden's three years, or a 27% annual rate of inflation. But Karrine Jean-Pierre tells us Bidenomics is working beautifully while he cancels federal oil leases in ANWR as oil reaches $90 a barrel.

  5. They are all equally useless.

  6. They're looking for when is best time to drop prices vie a vie the election. Not yet, is the answer.

    Besides, hasn't the official narrative been that the White House doesn't control gas prices? Bribem screwed up that too.

  7. "Wait and see": lower it by 10 cents the day before elections and people will get on their knees, praise lord Joe and will vote for him. Yes, that's how st.p.d lefties are.

  8. “No shit. That's all Biden and his administration has done, taking a wait & see approach.”

    That’s not right. The f**ker on day one killed the Keystone Pipeline, and then went on an all out war against oil and gas. Basic economics dictates that if you lessen the supply, the price will rise, and it will skyrocket with an inelastic demand curve.

    The US economy is based on cheap energy, and Biden and his handlers are doing everything to tank it. And to fight a war, we need munitions and lots of fuel. Dumping the strategic petroleum reserve so civilian gas prices don’t hit the stratosphere is an idiotic move. At some point the taxpayer will have to buy it all back at a 30% premium. And depleting out weapons reserve by giving it all away to Ukraine leaves us with an inadequate defense. FJB!!!

    We need Trump back to undo all the destruction these democrats have done.

  9. The average democRat has a memory shorter than a gnats prick, if Brandon and his crew get a price drop a week before the votes are cast the idiots will praise his dumb ass like some sort of
    wrinkled up pervy child sniffing dementia riddled messiah .

  10. The Biden crime family doesn't want the price of gas to decrease...the whole idea is to make personal travel unaffordable in order to control us. That includes everything they do, it's not for us, it's against us. Prove me wrong.

    1. And they want to get us out of our ICE cars and into EVs.

  11. Wait and see?! Hell, the evil bastards in power want gas prices to increase. They'd like to see them double, even triple. They absolutely hate America and want to destroy us. Spiking fuel prices is an effective way to do just that.

  12. Wait!
    I have a cunning plan. Lets cancel drilling leases in ANWAR.
    *You moron. We've already done that.*

  13. More wreck & glee than wait & see.


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