
Friday, September 29, 2023

Oh, dear Lord

EVANSVILLE, Ind. — The parents and aunt of a 6-month-old baby are facing charges after the infant nearly died from 50 rat bites.

The Evansville Police Department responded to a call on Sept. 13 from David Schonabaum, who said his son was covered in blood. He also said that it looked like the baby’s fingers had been chewed, WEHT reported.


  1. A story. My brother in laws mother was a drunk. He was a babe in crib. A brush fire started near his home, father heard and rushed home. Fire was real close to the home, father entered the home and his wife was passed out. Father ran to his son's room and crib was full of rats biting the shit outta him. Got him to the hospital and it was touch and go for a while.

    1. Did he wake the wife or ......

  2. How about the punishment: Put the hog-tied parents and aunt in a container, but before tossing in a dozen starving rats generously smear peanut butter on their genitals.

  3. I fail to understand how things like this can happen. This isn't the first case involving rats attacking infants, and what occurs to me is that the flooding in NYC is going to force the rat population to the surface. The rats will look for food.

  4. I read the story to see if drugs were involved. Not even an inference of drug use or alcohol.

    The aunt, owner of the home, was reported as saying the number of rats in the home is normal for that area.
    This is some severe mental illness.
    Baby alread had fingers amputated.
    This is a truly messed up case.

    My opinion; the acceptable number of vermin in the home is zero. I've had mice, one time a rat, in my home. That's when I go on safari, a real seek and destroy. Extermination becomes my #1 mission.
    In an outbuilding, maybe okay. But never in the home.

  5. 'I fail to see to see how things like this can happen'....
    I just left Evansville. Made a delivery, ran to Walmart for some groceries, made a pick-up and LEFT. Go spend a few minutes walking around the store, your disbelief will be cured. Not the worst I've seen, but definitely on track to be chicongoish. I've only been driving a little over 12 years. The changes are MONUMENTAL. YOU DO NOT HAVE ENOUGH AMMO.


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