
Friday, September 22, 2023

Okaaay, so what exactly did he expect to see?

A man has tried to sue a Melbourne hospital for $1 billion for letting him witness his wife’s C-section. 

Anil Koppula claimed that seeing his wife’s C-section in January 2018 triggered a “psychotic illness” that was responsible for the “breakdown of his marriage”.


Personally, I'd have taken a pass on watching whether it was natural childbirth or C-section, but that's just me. I have the paternal instincts of a fucking rock.


  1. I watched my daughter get born via C-section, and had sex with her mother one more time, and that was about after about 6 months of begging. Had nothing to do with the surgery, though. But maybe I could still file a claim 42 years later?

    1. Begging for sex is a sure way to never get any.

    2. Perhaps I should have noted: divorce followed shortly thereafter.

  2. I watched the whole thing when my second son was born by C-section and got in there and cut the cord myself. I thought it was really cool and would do it again. I don't think it triggered any "Psychotic Illnesses" in me that weren't already there but blood and guts stuff never bothered me. There is a personality type involved in being a surgeon and it came up on an aptitude test I took one time. You have to have what I call the "cold spot".

  3. There’s more to this story! I had a C-section and they blocked me with a curtain! My husband could have witnessed it but they told him, “you can but we advise you not to”!

    1. I witnessed it when my daughter was born. I thought it was pretty wild.

  4. I watched every minute of my son's birth via c-section. I was surprising to see the layers of skin, fat and muscle. They had to wrench him out with forceps because he wanted out bad, but the Mrs. was just not dilating. And then out came a bright pink squawking alien.

  5. The head nurse for our first c-section was also the godmother, so I was right in there. I actually lifted my son out of her. 2nd one, meh. Let them do it. So yes, I have literally seen my wife's guts. I'd already delivered 2 babies in the field, so not a big deal.

  6. Watched my younger daughter's CS in '86. Convinced me that opting for an MBA was correct and Med Skool was not.

  7. I held my ex's hand the first 2 kids, and said "there,there."
    Our 3'rd one our health insurance changed and we had a different doctor who delivered my last son. He was an ob/gun and wanted me more involved, I guess. He angled a mirror so I could not avoid watching it. Then he had me cut the cord.
    None of that was a good thing for me, I could have gone my whole life without being there for any of it. It is an extreme event, and my ex was mentally unstable often. So it was a tough thing to deal with.

  8. Never seen a C-section. I have caught 3 babies in the wild. I would have to believe that watching a small melon passing through you wife's vagina would be more traumatic than that.

  9. During the birth of my son, the doctor was late getting into the room, the kid was already half out and I'm in position to catch. He quickly stepped in, and about 30 seconds later the kid's out and he turns and asks me if I want to cut the cord. At which point I dryly ask him "what the hell am I paying you for?". Nope, didn't cut it. Didn't want to.

  10. What a pussy, go grow a pair

  11. Harsh judgement from a man names Anil.

  12. I watched all four of my kids being born. Since I helped with the creation, I felt that I should be part of the birth. No big deal...

  13. I saw both my kids pulled out during C sections. Cut the cords too. Granted it was after a few trips overseas and being pretty numb to gross stuff and blood. Meh, everyone looks pretty similar inside. The little swimming pool they pulled my son out of was cool.

  14. This little boy needs to man up. If his wife can carry and birth a baby, especially with a C-sec, than he can deal with a bit of reality. 80 years ago 19 year-olds fought bloody battles and then did it again. This guy needs a bit more spine.

  15. Australians used to be a lot tougher than that.

    Shit, when my first born was c-sectioned, I had a camera and took pictures of my wife's uterus laying on her belly. The staff all cracked up, but thought it was cool.


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