
Monday, September 25, 2023

So TikTok can be educational.....

Retailers, nationwide, say theft is costing them nearly a $100 billion a year in losses and is only getting worse. Part of that, as noted in a recent New York Post article, comes from a willing collection of social-media posters who are teaching people how to steal. 

The thing is, the posters don't call it 'theft'. Instead, these five-fingered discount demonstrations are called 'borrowing'.


  1. Since words mean whatever you want them to mean, I suppose if someone happens to shoot one of these "borrowers" they could just say they are "providing ventilation."

  2. OK, I've changed my mind about defunding the police... Goodbye! So long! Thanks for your service!
    Now! We can do something about the theft, the assaults, the rapes and the murder.

  3. "Borrowers"? When caught, do they claim to be borrowing a bed in the hoosegow?

  4. From the end of the article (and to Peaowed's point): "Our experts believe such things may not end, until the people doing the victimizing become victims, themselves."
    We all know that those victims are going to be glorified and made martyrs by the left. Reference point, George Floyd.

  5. Tik Tok is more than stealing "things". It goes after young "minds" too. A Tik Tok snippet of evidence stars Dylan Mulvaney


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