
Friday, September 15, 2023

Twenty bucks an hour to work in fast food.....

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Most fast food workers in California would get a $20 minimum wage next year — a nearly $5 per hour raise — under a deal announced Monday between labor unions and the industry that will avoid a costly referendum on the November 2024 ballot.


  1. so how much will a big mack cost now over the counter? someone is going to pay for the 20 bucks an hr and it won't be the franchise's. it's the trickle down theory. just don't buy them.
    many companies have priced themselves out of my business over the years and i have not missed them.

    1. Hell go to any fast food place and order a hamburger, fries and a drink. I guarantee that you will be dropping a ten spot to pay the tab.

    2. My boss and I went to Five Guys last week. Two burgers, family size fries (a joke), and two medium drinks. $45 dollars and they only pay their employees minimum wage ($14/hr here)!! They even had the nerve to ask for a tip at the register...

    3. Five Guys is the most overpriced "fast food" joint in the country. Unfortunately my late Aunt Mary loved it and every time I asked her where she wanted to go to lunch, she wanted to go there.
      The food is nothing special.

  2. And once again, the liberal wishful thinking completely fails to understand basic economics. These restaurants will either shut down (to screams of 'racissssstttt!') or automate and reduce or remove the need for employees. Either way, they'll be putting people out of work.

  3. If someone is being paid more per hour than they are earning for the employer, they wind up unemployed. The Cost of an employee includes that employees part of all of the costs of keeping the doors open. Electric bills, everything,, so the prices of the menu items will Have to be enough to make it work.
    Yeah, people will be eating at home.

    1. When, in the previous century, I had to estimate the cost of a software project, the loaded cost of an hour of programmer time was twice the salary. Of course, for a major corporation that included insurance and a bunch of stuff that a minimum wage worker might not be getting.

  4. Still less (after inflation) that the original minimum wage, IFAICT.

    We need to raise it higher! There's still negros working fast food! (JK, minimum wage was originally passed into law in an effort to stop those "illiterate negros" from stealing the jobs of us proper white folk. And democrats, of course, passed it then, and are passing it now. And IMHO for the same reasons - they're racist fucktards.)

    Abolish the minimum wage. Depending on the job market, it's either useless and pointless, or destructive and abusive. Either the job market is strong, and everybody's paying over minimum wage anyway, or it's weak, and employers hire people under the table (Mexicans, these days. Used to be Irish or Chinese) and/or abuse the shit out of the employees they DO have. After all, if you've got 200 applicants ready to start tomorrow, you have ZERO incentive to treat or retain the employees that you currently have. (So make sure to fire them all, for cause if you can come up with an excuse, before they hit 90 days and start getting benefits.)

    I'll never forget reading one guy recount his horrifically abusive summer job with the local government high school, all the while thanking minimum wage laws because "that was the only thing I could count on!" F'kn retard. Can't see that those laws are WHY the school district felt free to abuse him. But I guess "thanking the abusers" is a thing.

    John G

  5. Get ready for the $10 dollar BIG MAC.

  6. Self checkout kiosks cost less than that.

  7. Here is Aus $20 an hour sound ok McDonald's workers get around $23 an hour

    1. Yes, but that is in Aus monopoly Can dollars, but upside down.

  8. Wish my Social Security paid $20/hour.

    1. It DOES. BUT 19.50 the gov skims off the top.

  9. Never forget, the true minimum wage is zero.

    1. I have said that often to the meatheads. They do not understand at all.

    2. Zero? Then you have to hire a guy to use the whip.

  10. And they're still going to struggle to pay rent. So . . .

  11. Fast Food may become a thing of the past. I went (for the last time) to a famous chicken franchise and received two miserable pieces of chicken for a ridiculous price. And will never be going back there. Never, never, never!
    Glad I know how to cook.

  12. I want to groan whenever I see a "starting wage" advertised.

  13. It has gotten to the point that my wife and I no longer go out for fast food meals. Either they no longer accept cash and have automated menu systems that we can't decipher(Taco Johns, Taco Bell), or the price for a meal is about the same as going to a dine in restaurant. We can go to Olive Garden for about the cost of going to Burglar King(before the tip) and get a much better meal.

  14. As to the wages, back in 2009 I worked a contract designer job in York, PA. The client was trying to hire detailers(junior CAD operators) but couldn't compete with the Mickey D's and Taco Hell's pay rates. The result was that the lead/senior designers also had to do the detailed drawings and such instead of handing off the CAD models to these juniors. Client was offering $9/hr, while Taco Hell was offering $12, and the client required a 2 year degree.
    Frankly, I prefer doing my own detailing, as I like to control my work for the entire design cycle, but it is probably more costly for the client. I never got into the finance side of the engineering business, thank the Invisible Flying Spaghetti Monster!

    1. Paying less than fast food and couldn't get the trained workers? Were they surprised?

    2. It's a capitalist system. This is what all of you greedy asshole business owners wanted!!! As the Joker said: "YOU GET WHAT YOU FUCKING DESERVE"! Zero shits given for corporate America!

  15. Lastly, there are places here in Cincinnati that are looking for high end designers but are offering around $10-12/hour, listed as salaried(50-60 hours/week for 40 hours pay). I recently turned down one such offer; close to home, but the pay was $10.50/hour, 55 hours work for 40 pay, and a formal office dress code. The requirement was 10 years experience on Unigraphics, 5 years as lead designer, and industry specific skills. I'd make more money flipping burgers, and probably a more pleasant work environment. Although that last is questionable, I suppose, given my disdain for most of the current "youfs"and what passes as entertainment these days.

  16. Stay away from fast food. CDC estimates 1 in 4 illegals carry latent TB--latent meaning they are infected and can transmit but not yet showing symptoms. Where do you think illegals will be working? Yup, fast food. Now factor in all the other diseases, bacteria and parasites. Cook at home!

  17. Fast food workers have a union?

  18. If minimum wage actually kept pace with productivity, it would be roughly $23-27/hr. This is what happens when congress delegates its constitutional power to a pseudo private entity called the Federal Reserve Bank that ceaselessly prints unbacked FIAT. Nixon had to close the gold window to keep the US from being bled dry and thus the currency became debased and inflation exploded. The amount of FIAT dollars being paid is irrelevant, it's the purchasing power of those dollars that matter. $23-25 today is ~$1.25 in silver coinage (1964 minimum wage). People need more and more debased paper just to keep their current compensation in terms of value / purchasing power.

    As for increased prices, the added cost would be a few cents per menu item, assuming corporate didn’t take a haircut for once. People are paid properly outside of the United States, the menu items are higher quality and similarly priced. Corporations have lamented the same talking points in excess of 100 years, the 13th amendment, minimum wage and the right to form a labor union, etc; threats of going out of business, firing employees, raising prices, etc, are just empty threats and big business is still here. Work life vastly improved for Americans once we got labor unions. I was relentlessly anti-union up until about two years ago, then I got more information than what Bloomberg, and other big news sites were offering. Now, I expect people to pay their workers at least enough to afford food, shelter, transportation, and insurance. I think there is a balance to be found between unions and profit.

    All that said, fast food in the USA is not even food; it's a food-like product. The milkshake machines are usually not cleaned, the back end of soda fountains are filthy, it’s pumped up with HFCS, the kitchens are often filthy; once I realized this is routine, I stopped eating it. I will make exceptions though; there is a local chicken place and their kitchen is viewable from the front counter so customers can see how their food is prepared; the business also staffs the right kind of people

    - Arc

    1. Preach, preacher. Only in America is anyone retarded enough to say "it's a starter job!!11!" and actually mean it, and think it makes them sound intelligent. Restaurants in Europe pay a living wage. They haven't all automated. And people buy prepared food *all the time*. My distant family in Italy has stopped making their own fettuccine. They buy it. Ditto most risotto. Etc. Somehow, despite paying people properly, the prices are still reasonable enough for a low-middle income family to afford. And bear in mind, tipping is almost the opposite of mandatory there. If you tried to tell your staff "oh I'm only going to pay you $2, because you'll make up the difference in payment from our patrons!" You'd be lucky if you weren't skinned alive, or made an example of by said staff's relatives. Actually you'd probably get arrested and fined for wage theft.

      For illustration purposes: $20 in 1970? Almost $160 today. Yep. $20 an hour today is like $2.50 an hour in 1970. Getting the picture? The dollar isn't worth nearly as much as it once was. And things are an order of magnitude more expensive than simple inflation would account for. If you can't pay your staff properly, you shouldn't be in business, or you need to change your business plan. Especially if you're not just starting, but have been operating for freaking half a century plus.

    2. Only in America do people work at fast food and expect to be paid as well as somebody that busts their ass working as a truck driver or some other job that's actually useful or critical.
      Fast food IS a starter job and has been since Day One. That's a plain and simple fact. If they demand a living wage, the prices are going to continue to go up. I don't know about you, but there's no way in hell I would pay $20 or more for a hamburger just because kids today have no ambition or desire to advance in life.

    3. Totally agree with you. My former boss paid nothing but minimum wage and no benefits to his employees. He routinely would make us wait for two weeks or more to receive our pay. He even made us work over 40 hours per week and, instead of paying overtime, he had his accountant list us a schedule C commissioned contractors and pay flat rate. He still expected them to work 40+ hours per week doing semi-skilled labor. When I quit, I flat out told him, "if your business model relies upon screwing your employees, you should be out of business". Ironically, he is completely out of business today!

    4. Oh, and chick fil-a in California already pays $18 an hour. And they're still in business. Funny how that works.

    5. My bad, I misread. *A* Chick-fil-A in California is paying $18 an hour. The rest are around $16. Still more than I'd have expected, but an error is an error. Point still stands though, they're already paying a significant fraction of that $20 "insanity". And they're not going bankrupt. Almost like it's been done before Europe...and worked! Huh...

    6. I have an idea! Why don't we just raise the minimum wage to $30 and hour? Or 40? or how about 50? That won't cause the cost of living to go up, will it?
      Or better yet, why don't we have the government just print more money and give us stimulus checks again? That worked last time, didn't it?

  19. Panda express in North east ohio is 16 to start now


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