
Wednesday, September 20, 2023


The wind energy sector's days are numbered.

To be an effective podcast guest requires a few basic tactics. First, it is important to let the host get their full question asked before beginning to answer yourself. In normal conversation, it is not uncommon to understand where a friend is going and to get there before they do, but in a podcast setting it can be off-putting. It is also advisable to directly address the host’s questions in a concise manner and to mix in a few memorable phrases that listeners can work into their own discourse. Driving home a key communication objective with a catchy turn of phrase—a verbal meme, if you will—can make the difference between being remembered or forgotten.


  1. And freaking eyesores to boot.
    They're all over Iowa. What used to be panoramic wide open plains now look like shit.

  2. the climate cult will push solar panels and wind power until every dump is piled 3 miles high in panels and every inch of ground has a wind mill blade buried beneath it. You the high priests of climate change in the positions to spend money.

  3. Trouble is once all these save-the-planet bullshit implemets are in place it'll be as difficult to remove them as te Congress assholes like Feinstein and McConnell.

  4. I'm all for realistic energy solutions, like maybe having a hybrid solar power system for your home, but I do not believe alternative energy is capable of powering all of our energy needs. Especially with the retards pushing electric cars....
    We have abandoned oil production platforms in the Gulf of Mexico that those retards are planning to put wind power generators on. So hurricane season comes every year and lasts 6 months long, can you imagine the mess one would make if hit by a cat 2 or 3 storm. Now imagine a hundred or so of them and you'll start to see how stupid these people are...


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