
Monday, September 18, 2023


An estimated $100,000 in cash went flying from an armored truck in North Carolina earlier this week, and local police are trying to track down anyone who grabbed some of the money during the incident, according to KTLA sister station WJZY.


  1. Dang, Manna from heaven for the peasants. I wonder if each bill had "Vote for Joe Biden and you'll get more" printed on it?

  2. Finders Keepers.
    Seriously, if you found a $20 on the sidewalk right now, no one would blame you for keeping it. If a couple of thousand is blowing on the road, then that's the fault of the idiots at the armored car company. Maybe buy a better class of Rent a Cop next time. Someone who might make sure the doors are closed and latched....

  3. Samething happened here in wichita, Ks over 20 yrs ago, right on the highway that goes through downtown people were going crazy stopping and picking up cash. On the news that night the police chief was telling everybody who took the cash that they had to return it or face the threat of arrest hahaha.good luck

  4. I was behind an armored car in NC last summer & saw the door open...

    Unfortunately it was the driver's door, I can only guess the AC wasn't working. Windows damn sure don't roll down.

    Such is my luck



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