
Friday, October 06, 2023

'A devastating financial blow': California's so-called 'draconian' fast-food bill is now law

California Governor Gavin Newsom smiled as he delivered the news amid a throng of cheering workers and labor leaders. The Democratic leader had just signed into law a bill to increase wages for fast-food workers across the state. 

The new AB 1228 legislation, or the Fast Food Franchisor Responsibility Act, will give fast-food employees in California the highest guaranteed base pay in the industry nationwide.


Yup, 20 bucks an hour to fuck up your order.
While it mentions it in this article but is overlooked in others is the fact that it's just the fast food workers that get this bump, while the California minimum wage for everybody else remains at $15.50 an hour.
So here you've got somebody with zero ambition in life making your hamburger or whatever while earning 20 bucks an hour but at the same time, there's another kid who's busting his ass in the 105 degree heat doing construction labor hoping his boss will notice his efforts and promote him up to a carpenter's helper so he can actually learn something useful. 


  1. Keep in mind, that GROWING FOOD is bad for the planet. People should NOT EAT.
    This is a start.
    Save the planet (from liberal ijiots!)

  2. Let's make it simple. If the ONLY WAY you can get a raise at work is by getting the government to FORCE your employer to pay you more, you should have been FIRED a LONG TIME AGO. When I worked for McDonald's in CA in the late 1970s, I was asked when they said I was hired, if I would be willing to work the closing shift (back then it meant until 1am or so). It was summer, so no school issues, and the only thing I asked was "how much more does it pay?" It was .25 more per hour so I said YES. Then I went from taking the orders (back then we had to add the food costs BY HAND and make change the old fashion way) to working the grill. All along the way I enhanced my skills and enhanced my value to my employer. Before the summer was over, the manager asked me if I might be interested in a management position and a career with the company (I was working for a corporate owned store, not a franchise). I already had a career future planned that involved college, etc. and that turned out way better, but it was clear how one becomes successful in a job, and whining and spending one's time on one's phone screwing around are NOT HOW. I would be happy to order from a kiosk and receive a product from a well-tested, consistent food making robot. It would be a step up from the garbage that generally (not 100%) infests fast food restaurants these days. THAT will be the future of fast food. Once labor costs exceed the costs of automation, its a no-brainer.

  3. It's all about the votes, Lebowski. If anybody believes any politician cares about them they're a fucking idiot.

  4. So when the price of fast food goes up and people can't afford it, they will be out of jobs

    1. Or when the cost/benefit of replacing them with a robot just went positive.

  5. This is going to crush the small restaurant owner and eliminate a lot of existing jobs. Plus the cost of the product/fast going to skyrocket even more. The price of everything. Ingredients has already gone up as anyone who goes to the grocery store knows...or anyone who eats knows.

    Not just the cost of the $20 wage, we need to add the federal (FICA) tax rate. A 30 hour a week employee, assuming 3 weeks a month will cost the employer $1937.70. Multiply by let's say 4 employees = . $7750.80 a month. Doesn't include other required insurance, disability, liability etc etc etc. Doesn't include the cost of goods, ingredients, utilities etc. No one can afford to run a business in California.

    The cost to buy your next hamburger or pizza....forget it. Adios fast food restaurants.

    The politicians have no idea about how to run a business...nor do they care. The fast food industry in California, like everything else is totally screwed.

    1. While it's true that almost all of California's politicians have never run businesses and have no idea what it takes to be successful in the private sector, this bill would never have become law without Gavin Newsom's signature. He, unlike the rest of the people destroying California has, along with partners backed by Gordon Getty's money, run several businesses including restaurants and a winery. The fact that he would make a law like this possible just shows what a cynical, craven, ideologically-driven politician he is. He knows what this will do to small businesses, just like they all know how state agencies are killing businesses like small tucking firms, farms, ranches, contract workers and others. Yet he cares not. He's more than happy to carry out the wishes of the central planners within his party without a single thought given to the people and businesses he's hurting.
      The man is dangerous, and if he becomes the president you can kiss this country goodbye. He'll finish it off with a smile on his face and the media will ooh and aah all along the way.

    2. And the bill doesn't affect the companies and businesses that Newsom has ownership in. Like his restaurants and winery.

  6. Gavin just went long on robotics stock.

  7. Law goes into effect April 1st, 2024. This will be the day the fast food restaurants in California will die. Creating more "food deserts". Good job Gruesome.

  8. Mexican caravan probably already headed for the border

  9. The law only applies to a few targeted companies (fast food restaurants with at least 60 outlets nationwide) and exempts one company - Subway (companies that make and sell their own bread).
    This looks an awful lot like a Bill of Attainder.

    1. Friend, you know more Constitutional Law than the Governor and Legislature of Cali.

    2. Two companies, Panera Bread. I haven't read the law, but possibly Longhorns and Texas Roadhouse who also make their own bread. Certainly though, places like McDonald's, Burger King etc are not going to install ovens and hire bakers.
      This has the same stench as Nasty P. Lousy's minimum wage increase that exempted her husband's companies in Samoa.

  10. 3000 miles away, I'm laughing. Don't eat in these shitholes anyway.
    - WDS

  11. the more important issue is how does this effect newsoms ability to get reservations and service at the french laundry?

  12. The reasoning behind it isn't clear. Why only fast-food workers? Why not just raise the minimum wage?

    Fast-food is defined in the article as chains that have at least 60 stores nationwide, except you are exempt from the law if your fast-food chain makes bread in-house (is that a Subway clause?).

    Perhaps it is a healthy eating initiative and they are trying to drive the fast-food industry out of California

    1. Micky D's and BK will start cooking their buns in house. They've got six months to come up with a recipe and a process. Plenty of time in that industry.


    2. Do you want to make that an artisan Whopper for an additional $24.95?

  13. If you can wade thru the actual bill the minimum wage only applies to "limited-service restaurants consisting of more than 60 establishments nationally", so all the big players get hit with higher costs but the smaller Mom-n-Pop stores will have a hard time finding employees.

    That's one way to kill Fast Food restaurants in California...

  14. Democrats always seem willing to spend someone else's money, or make someone else spend money. But they constantly seem surprised when economics kicks in and people lose jobs, businesses close, etc. I swear that the Democratic party motto should be, "Well we didn't mean for THAT to happen!"

    1. > I swear that the Democratic party motto should be, "Well we didn't mean for THAT to happen!"

      That's why I so often reference "Unintended Consequences". The Left makes illogical, emotion-driven decisions, then wonders why their plan blew up.

    2. FrankP, they aren't unintended consequences, they just want us to think those weren't intentional.

  15. The next CA bill will require 10 people present at the fast food restaurant to monitor robots building and serving food. Also not mentioned is fast-food chains with at least 60 locations nationwide are impacted. So you will create a different chain if you are close to 60 or close some to get under 60.

  16. It will put the fast food industries leaning towards robotics,and then there's the price of driving your car to the fast food joint....I quit going to them a few years ago and discovered I can make three times the food at home for one crappy fast food meal. I even quit buying ready made frozen potatoes and make more and better tasting food from the basics.

  17. Tried posting this before, but I guess it was too long? Because it certainly isn't uncivil, incoherent, or off topic. I'll split it up, since apparently paragraph breaks are insufficient.

    If a job isn't necessary, it won't exist. If it is necessary, it should pay more than the 1970 equivalent of $2.45 per hour, but for starting, that $2.45 might be arguably tolerable.

    Economic and mathematical illiteracy cannot change simple facts.

    God said it was a sin against him to prevent the oxen from eating some of the harvest, or the impoverished from gleaning a field. The people (Ananias and Sapphira) who tried to cheat the "freeloaders" in the early Church...were executed by the Holy Spirit after lying about it to Peter himself.

    In a sane society, run according to God's laws, this discussion could not happen. You'd pay your staff enough to survive, or you'd have to leave, if you weren't imprisoned, or put in a pillory for everyone to shame you. Hell, even in warped arsed Europe, this discussion is only relevant for freaking illegals and "refugees" basically. The citizenry argue about the government taking too much, not (usually) about not being paid enough. And when they argue about benefits it's about not getting a long enough freaking maternity (or paternity) leave. 6 months (Italian average) is just not enough, don't'cha know?
    (Part 1/2)

  18. (Part 2/2)
    Let's put this simply: minimum wage in 1970 was the equivalent (per government numbers that don't take into account price increases and other variables) of $12.05 in 2023. (Actually try ~ $20, if you index it to the price of gold) The federal minimum wage in 2023? $7.23. Which is equivalent (again, using those bullshit government numbers) to getting $0.92 per hour in 1970. And I bet you think that's just perfect. Because you're not the one getting screwed. (Except you actually kind of are, because this kind of nonsense is why your home value is going to crater and Social Security is going to collapse within 10 years, but what's a little "penny wise, pound foolish" shortsightedness between...fellow humans?)

    Oh, and a starter job is mowing lawns, or an internship. Not a freaking job with a multinational corporation, with no promise of any kind of advancement or benefits. Keep in mind: these people, whether they've been there for a year or two decades, get almost no insurance worth speaking of. It's garbage tier coverage.

    Best case scenario under this ($20 minimum wage) concept? Imagine a full-time McDonald's worker who never missed a shift, never took unpaid leave, or anything else. Worked an 8 hour shift Monday to Friday for an entire year, every single week, for $20 an hour. They'd make $41,600 that year, gross. And their health insurance would still be garbage tier. No truck driver or construction worker with a functioning brain should be making that little. (Actually, the average yearly starting salary for truck drivers in the US is almost $60,000, and it goes up from there) And you and I both know damned well there's not a fast food worker in existence who is going to have/be given a good enough schedule to actually make that. And it's the equivalent of about $5,270 per year in 1970. That's less than the "median income of families of Negro and other races" in 1970 per the census. And it's still inaccurate because of the bullshit government numbers.

  19. Jesus, how did I know you were going to chime in yet again with your nonsense? And you forgot about the part of keeping it brief.

    Yes, fast food is a starter job and always has been considered a starter job by everybody but you. ALWAYS..... That's why your order is taken, prepared and served by pimple faced kids. Just because YOU decide it's not doesn't make it so.

    Now do yourself a favor and look at all the other comments and ask yourself if they don't make sense. Just don't bother to reply here.

    1. I said "I guess it was too long" in the first sentence. God forgive me for including actual numbers and verifiable facts and such in my comment instead of just bloviating and saying stuff like "don't eat in those shit holes anyway". Holy cow. You were less pissed at that asshat who literally insulted you and called you names. Didn't even ask him to go away. Ah well. God bless and keep you anyway. Been reading for years, commented maybe 12 times, but easy come easy go.

    2. And then you went ahead anyway and posted a comment so long it took two forms?
      BTW, your facts are cherry picked and contorted to suit your leftist opinion. Nothing else.

    3. You're being too hard on the guy, Wirecutter. You're correct that fast food is/was/and will always be a starter job. But these fuckers are hundred billion dollar corporations that won't hesitate to put the ball peen hammer to the heads of mom and pop restaurants in towns of 5k or less. It's the Wal-Mart strategy: wreck 'em, then have the taxpayer fund food stamps, section 8 housing, and health care for their workers. There needs to be a balance.

      Real wages have fallen since the 70's. And it's no coincidence that the living wage blue collar jobs went away precisely when the military draft ended.


    4. That's on the towns that allow those places in. They do have the power to keep them out simply by denying permits.

    5. As to the whackadoodle anonymous poster above, if one does his/her/its job well, works consistently, gets a 40 hour a week job in fast food, he/she/it will be, guess what, promoted to a low level job that does have decent benefits and pay. It literally is built into the system, to climb from cheap-assed labor to decent wages within the company.

      Seriously, if you can't get promoted up the ladder in a fast-food joint, barring mental retardation, just self-slab yourself. Same with any minimum wage job. Either get promoted up or it's a clue that you are not worth extra money.

      And remember, the real minimum wage is $0.00, or even less if you consider unpaid internships (like in a lot of leftist organizations like fashion, news or amongst politicians.)

    6. He's all knowing. A Captain Blowhard. Been there, heard that.

  20. What about all the kids who went to Tech School and were thrilled to make $22 an hour? This throws everything off kilter.

    I won't get in to it now, but there shouldn't be a minimum wage!

    1. I agree with the last part but it will never happen.
      No minimum wage, no government bureaucrats jobs harassing businesses.

    2. Hiring and paying based by merit is gone in the soft jobs. I agree it's royally eff'd up.

    3. Those kids that went to tech school will soon be the only ones qualified for fast food jobs - servicing all the robots.

  21. I worked at McD's in the late 70's and I always looked at the low wages as incentive to do better in life. It was a positive force in my life. They didn't pay me much but the harsh truth is that back then I wasn't worth much.

    1. 70's. $5.55/hr as a night custodian for a high school district. More than once had to take a second job to make rent on the apartment. 16-20 hours/ day.

  22. I will be laughing when this bill backfires big time on them. Face it, the bill is really about DEI. What demographics likely make up the bulk of the employees that will benefit? Those poor abused descendents of slaves is who. But, at $20/hr, you will start seeing whites and asians suddenly take a bigger interest in fast food jobs instead of other minimum wage jobs. When the whites and asians turn out to be better employees, guess which demographic will become more represented in the fast food industry in CA?

  23. * Do ranchers and cowboys get their twenty to furnish the beef for tacos and burgers?
    * Do dairy operators get their twenty to furnish the milkshakes?
    * Do drivers get their twenty to deliver supplies?
    In a popular meme, George Orwell is quoted as saying 'corporate types destroyed the cities, then purchased the property cheap'.
    Another meme discusses the plot of ROBOCOP:
    * corporate types imported criminals to destroy cities, then purchased the property cheap.
    Looking ahead, are newsum's PuppetMasters expecting to acquire California cheap?
    Which government has politicians on four-year cycles?
    Which so-called 'government' has members of Central Party for life... and make 'Five Hundred Year Plans'?


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