
Wednesday, October 04, 2023

Be Needed, But Don’t Be Needy

Just exploring the concept of men learning to be less needy while being available for those in need.

VIDEO HERE  (20:13 minutes)


  1. Some find it hard to tell the difference between needed and needy

  2. Dwayne's physiological talks are at times inspiring and at others convoluted.... Be needed but not needy sounds good but in real life how does that work.... If I need then I'm needing something so I'm needy but I'm not supposed to be, meantime I'm making myself available to others in need and that make me a man... Lots of our older generation of men suffered in silence because " that's what men do" and died early of heart attacks and other ailments., is this really a good thing.... I agree the majority of Americans have too much house, I know I do, when I bought it I had a growing family, but selling it and buying a smaller one now isn't workable because the newer smaller ones cost more than i could sell mine for.....Too high of cellphone bills, vehicle payments, do you really need the a/c in the house set at 65 and so on, well only that person can decide that... My philosophy is to keep your friends and chosen family close, look, out for each other and stay out of other people's business, their notes, bills, incomes their own damn business. I don't want them in mine so I stay out of theirs..
    That's JD's take on things, thanks for your time

  3. Not sure what it is with his messaging. I have tried to listen to him several times. I stopped trying. I hope others find value in his spew.
    “Same message seven times from seven different people” then one might receive.


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