
Monday, October 02, 2023

California Gov. Newsom Picks Laphonza Butler to Replace Sen. Dianne Feinstein

California Gov. Gavin Newsom will appoint EMILY’s List President Laphonza Butler to fill the seat of the late Sen. Dianne Feinstein, elevating the head of a fundraising juggernaut that works to elect Democratic women who support abortion rights, according to a person familiar with the decision.


  1. What the fuck is up with these boofers names?

    Chutes Magoo

    1. The Afro-American naming convention ... where to begin. It has legitimate roots in the says of "the slaybbery". Parents would give keeids unusual names, so that when/if the family was split up, they could get news through the grapevine on a person with a unique name. Hence, all the creativity in naming the offspring. It was a thing. Then it became a tradition. So, functional basis in the past with no modern need for such. Can you imagine if the Bible had "a reading from Dontravious, 1-14" or some such?

  2. A lesbian…. First order of its business will be to make addadicktome’s free under medicare and medicaid I suppose? And where in hell did her mother and baby daddy come up with that name?

    1. To me, it says that while Pretty-Pretty Gavin is racist and sexist, he's not homophobic.
      But yeah, checking three un-Equal Opportunity blocks...

    2. I counted at least six un-Equal Opportunity blocks. And I never even heard her name before this morning.

    3. Father? LOL. I think you mean absent sperm donor.

    4. I guess Gavin couldn't find a crippled black radical lesbian in Californa.

    5. He didn't this one in Cali, she lives and is registered, well up until Monday afternoon, in Maryland; she is already a swamp creature.

    6. Rick, he couldn't find a crippled black radical lesbian United States citizen living in California.

    7. WestcoastDeplorableOctober 4, 2023 at 9:46 PM

      Not even a resident of California. Talk about a deep search. I'm hopeful this appointment will be challenged.

  3. Most of her work history is as an organizer or official with the radical light purple T shirted Service Employees International Union….that is well know for pushing socialist agendas and intimidating voters at the polls..

  4. Female Henry Winkler character?


  5. Appointed a non-Californian to represent the people of CA. Hahahahahahaha

  6. Things are never so bad that they can't get worse.

    1. Come on! Meghan Markle in the Senate would have been comedy gold.

    2. You think her and The Spare Ginger would have insisted on their privi-see?

    3. F-ing comedy gold right there.

  7. First criteria to be a part of the leftist political agenda is to be a black lesbian....actually, these days, the only criteria....of course Vice president knee pads got by on another criteria...

  8. The! All it needs is a bucket of "Soul Glo" to really shine....

  9. LaFawnduh from Napoleon Dynamite?

  10. There used to be a time in this country where the idea of the best person for the job was a consideration Now one has to check boxes.
    Box 1. Proper race
    2. Proper sex (whatever bizarre ides that may be)
    3. Proper residence (must conform to the 2 above)
    4. Education, no competency required
    5. Will help chances for re election
    I'm seriously hoping for ocean front property in Nevada.

    1. These absurd clowns are selected for these roles as a means to make them resistant to criticism. Don't like their free zippertits programs, dickectomies and what not? That, sir, makes you a multi-faceted bigot. See how it works? There is never coherent discussion about what they are doing, because they turn it into an argument about who they are. Intersectionality and spectrum of allies, all that stuff applies.

  11. Wakanda insanity is this? Oh that's right, it's California.
    - WDS

  12. I think everything a democrat does now a days is shock politics. They are going to do something like letting guys use womens bathrooms and locker rooms because the convservatives will hate it. They dont care if their own girls get rapes but they know the conservatives will hate it. This is the point of pointing schiff like this to the senate.

  13. Wow! Had to go out of California to find a "qualified" black woman.

    1. Apparently there are no Black women in California even eligible to be a Senator.

  14. Turns out she is a resident of Maryland. Someone who actually lives in California is the only one qualified.

    1. They'll just change its residency. (They have done this before, you know, with the Kenyan).

  15. Pandering to parasites.

  16. LaPhonza?

    Where do niggers come up with these names?

    1. I was told they throw the scrabble squares in the air and whatever lands on the table is the name they choose! In this case I’m guessing, just a guess, they added the LA because she was a girl and they were hoping for a boy!

    2. Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeiiiiit

  17. Welp. There goes Gavin's Democratic National Comittee clout. There's no way a guy more anti-semitic than Kanye, can be allowed at the convention. He stole that seat from the Jews.

  18. This pick is a blessing in disguise. Gavin keeps reaching for more national exposure, and he goes and picks a POS like this. Let the whole world know how he rolls. In the meantime, she votes along the communist party line, just like she's supposed to. It's not like he was going to pick a conservative to fill the seat, nor will one be elected when this seat is up for grabs next year.

    1. You'll never see a conservative on a general election ballot in California. Only the top two vote getters in the primary get on the general election ballot and with the exception of a few rural counties that means you get a choice between two Democrats who are both radical Leftists, or at least vote that way.

      Being a Conservative voter in California is a lost cause.


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