
Friday, October 06, 2023

Commentary: Judgment Day in America

To save America, first save the court system. Because it may be the last institution in the country doing its job — repelling progressive insanity. Four sound, sage judgments last Friday battered the Left all the way up from a local school district to the White House. Two of them made it a very bad day for the trans movement. But all stress the urgency of voting conservative to maintain righteous normalcy, far more than political circuses like last Wednesday’s Fox Business/Univision/RNC-mounted Republican Primary Debate.


  1. the problem is we cannot afford to have every case brought before the supreme court. we need to punish the idiots who make the laws unconstitutional in the first place. before the the law is put into effect, it first needs to pass constitutional muster.

    1. All laws repugnant to the Constitution are null and void.

    2. These idiot mini-wanna be rulers at all levels of government pass laws they KNOW are most likely unconstitutional, but they know it can't be taken to court unless you have standing and may good honest folks don't want to risk life, liberty or property in the hope the courts will support them.
      I think we need to either implement your idea, although many times the lawyer, city attorney or other will say it is not constitutional but they pass it anyway OR allow a relaxing of the rules on standing.

  2. What good does it do to have SCOTUS rule in the citizens favor if the government ignores the rulings?
    NYSRPA v Bruen for instance.

    1. ...and the recent SJC ruling against student loan forgiveness which Bribem is ignoring yet again by his announcement yesterday.


  3. I'm down in the 5th Circuit and our judges have been doing a great job of keeping the fed just us in line. We've had a couple of hiccups but they have been solid on the 1st and 2nd Ammendment issues that have gone before them including ruling against DOJ on social media collusion, 80% lowers, pistol braces and others..... I read this new session of the Supreme Court has more items on the agenda from the 5th than any other Fed Circuit..
    Fingers crossed we get a 100% judgment in favor

  4. I agree with Anonymous at 9:13. We need to punish the bureaucrats making unconstitutional rules, and the elected criminals that let them get away with it. Take away their pensions and fire them.


  5. Court rulings are irrelevant when the people they are supposed to restrain refuse to obey them and the courts themselves have absolutely no means to enforce the rulings. We are a long way past the point where courts are the solution to the problem.


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