
Friday, October 06, 2023

D-Day to Germany: The Private COLOR WWII Footage of Jack Lieb

In 1944, Jack Lieb, who was too old for the draft, found himself covering the war for Heast's "News of the Day". In addition to the 35mm black and white film camera that he carried to shoot content for the newsreels, he also carried his own personal 16mm color film camera. This is a look at some of the film that he shot along with his own commentary recorded 25 years after the war.
VIDEO HERE  (45:27 minutes)


This is an outstanding video, well worth the 45 minutes out of your day. JD usually narrates his videos, but there was no need for this one.

As long as I'm here, let me give a shameless plug for the channel presenting this video:  I have learned more about both the Civil War and WWII from The History Underground than I did the 11.9 years I spent in the public education system before they got tired of my shit and kicked me out.
JD's channel has a heavy emphasis on Normandy and Gettysburg, but he's covered many, many other battles in other conflicts. I've seen every one of his videos and watch them the same day I get notification that he's put another one out.
The cool part is most of his videos are about 20-30 minutes long, so it's not a big chunk of your evening watching one or two of them.


  1. That's really fascinating, thanks.

  2. Thanks Ken.
    I have not heard of the history underground channel before. Looks like some time is going to be spent there.

    1. I started watching him just after he started making videos at the old west spots. His video quality and narrations have come a long way.
      He's been to some great places and I look forward to all of his new videos.
      He ran a 16 (I think) part series on the battle at Gettysburg that is just fantastic, showing you views you never see and little known facts about the battle. It's worth watching when you have 20 minutes here, 20 minutes there.

  3. "I have learned more about both the Civil War and WWII from The History Underground ..."

    Small nit to pick. The US never had a "Civil War". That is when two (or more ) factions are fighting for control of the national government. That did not occur here.

    1. I had relatives that fought on both sides. I can't win no matter what I call it, so I just go with what I was taught in school.

    2. You are correct Lowell; thank you for that.

  4. Had a math teacher in junior high who was a US Army combat photographer. His collection for normal perusal was... harrowing. We only got to see his prison camp liberation photos after some jackass denied the Holocaust. Wow, that was frightening, and horrible.

  5. This is fricken amazing. Mahalo Ken. Sharing with all my WW2 tour guide buddies here at Pear Harbor.

  6. Stunning.
    Unimaginable in today's environs, but for years those images were normal life for much of the world.


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