
Friday, October 06, 2023

No One Can Rule the World | Victor Davis Hanson

 VIDEO HERE  (4:51 minutes)


  1. The man never ceases to amaze me with his brilliance and his clarity.
    Thanks for posting his stuff. I'm too lazy to find it myself.

    1. What Elmo said and thank you WC.

  2. I think I may have said before that I love this guy! He's always so spot on!

    It's cool too that he still lives on the family farm in California.

    1. Still lives in his grandmother's house, I believe it is, and still works the farm.
      In one of his books he describes parking his pickup, not so shiny and loaded with tools and irrigation stuff for the farm, in the faculty lot at Fresno State. He described how the professor in the next reserved spot, who drove a new, squeaky clean pickup, seemed to hold VDH in low esteem because he actually worked for a living in an occupation that required him to get his hands dirty.
      When I read that I thought what chutzpa, looking down on VDH because he actually works and can relate to the working man.

      If a man with his values actually ran California, there might be some hope for the place.

  3. Jesus Christ can, and will.

  4. Perhaps no one can rule the world. But that has never stopped people from thinking they could and trying to do so.


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