
Wednesday, October 04, 2023

Poll: One-Third of Democrats Say Americans Have ‘Too Much Freedom’ of Speech

A new poll from RealClearPolitics shows that a staggering number of registered Democrats think there is “too much freedom” to speak freely in the United States.

As reported by the Washington Free Beacon, the RCP survey on Friday revealed that 34% of Democrats believe that Americans have “too much freedom” of speech, compared to just 14.6% of Republicans who believed the same. By contrast, 46% of Republicans believe that Americans have “too little freedom,” with only 22% of Democrats agreeing.


  1. I was reading about having too much free speech on WeaselZippers this morning.

    1. Made me look to see if they were back online.

  2. Here's my freedom of speech for you, Fuck Off retards. 😎🖕

  3. 34% of Democrats doesn't supprise me. In fact I thought it would be higher. But 14.6% of Republicans? Democrats wanting to crush, destroy and win. Republicans we just want to get along so they'll leave us alone.

    1. That also surprised me, although these polls are never totally accurate. Still, though, one would expect the results to be around 98% to 2% in favor of free speech. Interesting times....

  4. The answer to the vexing problem of 'too much free speech' is simple. The idiots that think there's too much of it should keep their mouths shut.

    But then, that's not really who the idiots want to silence, is it?

  5. where are at a point in time here where 1/3 of the country wants to put in prison 1/3 of the rest of the county that does not agree with them,
    all the while the last 1/3 watches them do it. kind of like Germany in the 1930's.
    not a good thing really. dave in pa.

  6. I totally agree. Freedom of speech is great as a general principle in a white, Christian, society, but as it is now, we have too many communists espousing subversive and destructive positions. With restrictions on freedom of expression, we would bring back public decency laws and get this woke trash out of our streets.

    Countries like Thailand have general free speech, but there are a hand full of limits like not criticizing the king, something that, IMHO, is totally acceptable.

    - Arc

    1. It's a slippery slope.

    2. You sound like the criminals that said "to protect democracy we have to limit your rights and be able to spy on you" for no reason other than because we want to...
      We either have free speech or we don't, there's nothing in between

    3. If we have absolute freedom of speech, speech without limits, then I don't want to hear any more complaining about public drag shows, prosthetic dildos, hate speech, etc. Anything goes.


    4. Your favorite things?

    5. Arc, are you really this stupid ?? Drag shows for adults are fine for those that want to attend them.. Drag shows at schools or having anything to do with children are illegal in 99% of the country because of decency laws, corruption of children, etc.... Also since children cannot legally make decisions it's the parent's job to monitor what they are exposed to....
      I know you believe you're some hot shit but in reality you're just a wet fart....

  7. Here's my free speech.....FUCK THE DEMOCRATS

  8. In case anyone is still confused, this shit proves that "Democrat" now equals "communist."

  9. The fact that there are people agreeing about limiting free speech on both "sides" says a lot. The D and R labels mean little in today's word, uniparty label is more accurate.
    That being said, any "conservatives" or anyone else that agrees with this is the enemy. Period. Bunch of cucks.


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